Monday, January 26, 2009

How to clean my desk

"You'll need a whole evening"

How I did it: Started picking stuff and sorting them atop my bed in groups like books, materials, references,cables, equipment, etc.

After everything was sorted and grouped I cleaned the Desk.

Decided then what I needed the most and start to put those stuff back, i.e. Desk Lamp, laptops, keyboards, mouse, picture frames,etc.

When that was complete I started to processing every remaining pile using the GTD Inbox approach, that was what took the longest.

Lessons & tips:

  1. Choose a day you'll know you won't be interrupted

  2. Have handy soft-drinks and snacks in order not to get distracted by preparing lunch or dinner. 

  3. Put some energy boosting music, turn off TV. 

  4. Make a list of the things you really want back on your desk.  

  5. Take stuff once at a time and put on piles close by in the floor (I used my bed since my desk is inside my bedroom) sorted by purpouse. 

  6. Have a trashcan and everything that you can judge to be trash throw it right there.  

  7. Put back the stuff in your list.  

  8. Start processing the remaining stuff in the piles using the GTD Inbox approach: Every item has to be placed inmediatly, wether that would be storage, a box or the trashcan, don't follow priorities after all you'll need to process everything. 

  9. Relax and enjoy your new tidy and spacious desk. 


  1. 43folders blog

  2. Zen habits blog 

  3. Flylady 

  4. 43thingers 

  5. Getting Things Done 

  6. Ferry Corsten's Right of way CD  

  7. Big trash bags 

  8. A couple of cartoon boxes 

  9. Cleaning stuff. 

It took me 1 day.

It made me Überhappy

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