Friday, October 30, 2009

10 Horror Films You Can Watch For Free Online This Halloween

Mark Beaumont is cyclying trough Panama btw

Age of free banking draws to a close *Plus earnings from the ways they use our money for*

Judging by every metric, drug decriminalization in Portugal has been a resounding success

RT @CoolPanama: Panameños recibieron agua sucia por un descuido: HORA CERO.

RT @softballstudio: Panama and Costa Rica 2009 - The ending of a wonderful era

RT @Panama_Guide: IDAAN Says Don't Drink The Water in Panama City:

I bet the government would use whatever happened to the pipes as an excuse to privatize the IDAAN...

Don't drink the water of Panama city today! There's something in the water.

Anota ahi para cualquier vaina el PIN de Hugo Chavez H1J0D3PU7A....

A tourist is someone who thinks about going home the moment they arrive, whereas a traveler might not come back at all...


RT @cyclingamericas: Ngobe-Bugle Indians and

RIA Novosti - Politik - International - USA planen Einrichtung von zwei Flottenbasen in Panama: via #Panama

The gravy train is cancelled

RT @serrynaimo: Tomorrow is Zombie Walk in Panama-City! Here is a nice website from the Toronto Walk with makeup guidelines #fb

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Experience says that my version of "Everlasting love" last three months max...So I've been in love with you 16 consecutive eternities!! :*

Often people that claims to have a clean conscience in fact just suffer from seasonal selective amnesia.

Interlude:What if I do the backend in Php and the frontend in Flex?...Blackberry access?...RRRRR.

Blog advice for photographers. Good.

RT @JoeGigantino: When you assume that something will be negative, it will be.

If Life is giving you lemmons, ask for Salt and Tequila.

If you are in need of a helping hand...You'll find one at the end of your arm.

RT @Panama_Guide: Gang Wars In The Interior of Panama

I'm jumping to conclusions or since Martinelli's took office our police feels more bold to do as they please? Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

A caribbean coleague was shot after leaving the police station where he was taken for not carrying his passport on. #DontVisitPanama

Future certainly looks bright *I'm being cynic btw* #Panama

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Preparing dinner...Oops! it's almost 1:00am. Well, preparing early breakfast hehehe.

If Net Neutrality disappears, this is what the web might look like:

Internet access a human right

Why Americans Stopped Believing in Global Warming

Monsters and the Moral Imagination

CommArts' Novela Grafica won an honorable mention award at the Latin
American ICSC conference in Panama this week....

Oiga joven -dijo Jorge Luis Borges- ¿no sabe usted que los caballeros sólo defendemos causas perdidas?

@Christa Black, the only reason I would stand a Jonas Brother's concert

Miss Reef today at 7:00pm @Hooters #panama

RT @itschristablack: - Panama City, i am OK with this view.

RT @alank73: I found out that having a DSRL camera and lenses in Panama is a challenge with the 110% humidity level.

RT @Panama_Guide: Flash - Punta Pacifica Hospital No Longer Accepts TRICARE: By DON WINNER for

No más garzas en el Palacio de las Garzas!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

RT @sandritagg: Venezuela mandó los Mirage 50. Se encuentran en Panamá esperando el permiso para ingresar a colombia.

RT @PanamaTweet: temp is heating up over the proposed law 71 land ownership coasts. the slience of Pres Martinelli - US Embassy involved

Numbers show that more police alone does not reduce crime at all. Nor keeping the population under curfew as they're planning now.

Panama has only 8 judges for every 100,000 citizens. Yet our government recruits even more police, not more judges. Clogged system anyone?

Panama has 500 policemen per 100,000 citizens. That's more than the US (326), Costa Rica (465) and Colombia (215). *Por el gusto*

The scottish screen archives, footage restored from the 1900 on!

West mulls Iran 'change of heart' ...coincidentally with some nuclear scientists "vanishings"

One can’t be too careful; one has to test for every possibility.

Beware, you can also be known by deception: enough lies would expose the shape of the truth being concealed. Truth would serve you better.

R@comashey Now that I see the Ares those pulp magazine covers from the 40's and 50's make all the sense...

Australians studying new laws banning further development in coastal regions... #GlobalWarming

Mmmm, bet the scientists in charge of this research are either Amish or else

Why men should pair off with younger women, Dude, I love science...

Monday, October 26, 2009

RT @prensacom: Cierran vía que va hacia cerro Patacón tras accidente #panama

Listen that storm...awesome.

Taylor once dreamt a solution to non-fission triggering of fusion reactions, never told anyone for fear of the implications...only time.

Note-to-self: Install a cam at home so I won't miss the power of thunderstorms like this one while at the office.

Artificial Intelligence Diagnoses Abuse

Interlude: They still can't find the issue...Guess is a case of adapt to what we know instead of we adapt to what you need...don't be cynic.

Interlude: We need closure Dear, mom is not going to like a 2x3 meter mural of an angel in our wall...I couldn't sleep, I'll clean it up.

Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: 'What! You, too? Thought I was the only one'.
RT @C.S. Lewis

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Et huic pollicemur amorem mulierum, florem virginum, decus monacharum, honores, voluptates et opes. Fornicabitur triduo... Where do I sign?

Thraupis Episcopus....#Panama #birdwatching

Finally I learnt the name of that damn bird: Tyrannus Melancholicus #Panama #Birdwatching

Things to keep in the notebook: Lists, form, colour, patterns, behaviour, sketches, songs.

Using ipods as bait to attract birds...Bet Steve Jobs never tought of that... #Panama #Birdwatching

In the tropics the most important is to have a waterproof binocular. #Panama #Birdwatching

The Audubon Panama Society started as a chapter of the American Audubon Society #Panama #Birdwatching

Vaquero gigante is a talingo yeye...hahaha #Panama #Birdwatching

Guácharo bheaves like a bat, but it's a bird. Use ecolocation and live in caves...

Tomorrow 6:00am Audubon's birdwatching tour at summit park.

Chiriqui region has one of the major worldwide concentration of endemic birds, 55 in total. #Panama #Birdwatching

The first Panama´s bird guide book was published on 1976. #Panama #Birdwatching

Panama has 978 bird species, 88 regions, 5 endemic regions, 12 national endemic species and near 400 species around the Panama Canal area.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Felix in terra hominum...

Listening two loved artists sing my favourite italian song together, Tiziano Ferro & Laura Pausini's Non me lo so spiegare..I can die now.


I'm running out of excuses against the Μνηστῆρες

Tks God I live in a 10th floor...

Obama: the nation that wins competition on new energy will lead the global economy. "And I want America to be that nation."

Recent X-ray and microscopic study of samples has supported the theory that the pyramids are made of artificial stone...

One can't see cleary if one's view is clouded by fear. seek the answer to the question what do you want asking first what do you fear.

If i just lay here will you lie with me and just forget the world...

All that i am all that i ever was is here in your perfect eyes they're all i can see...

I need your grace to remind me to find my own...

The message sometimes is just the envelop, look again.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The first ten million years were the worst. And the second ten million years, they were the worst too.

Having a bad case of postpartum depression in the male of the species...

Like Nick Griffin's tie #BNP

It's easy, since the majority gets married I bet we all end choosing the steady and caring option versus the mercurial passionated one.

There's a girl with what I'd call unresolved issues...Reminds me an early us...Suppresed instincts held together with spit and coffee?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

People never really look at things...They glance.

Worrying about our omniscient government eavesdropping on that political meeting? get a Blackberry...

I can't take my eyes off you...

I love this one...

Mel's ideological "Thicket" #Honduras

RT @CarolinaRomani: Getting It Wrong: Surprising Tips on How to Learn: Scientific American

The real measure of your wealth is how much you'd be worth if you lost all your money. - adage

No one gossips about other people's secret virtues - Bertrand Russell (That's not entirely true, guess Russell didn't hang out with women)

Big TELCOs such as Bell and Rogers can interfere with internet traffic only as a last resort. Define "Last Resort"

Are you where your heart is?

The desire for an aquatic life...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Quod erat ab initio...

Unrequited love, the door of possibilities that would never come to fruition....

I love you too...thanks for the song, I loved it.

Had you noticed how the heart tends to refute and win over any argument the mind manage to put trough?

Cracking an incident at the DWH, Unix shell & von Bingen songs add a dark gothic ambience to using the command line...

It's amazing how easily we cross over others lines but can't seem to cross our own.

Monday, October 19, 2009

RT @rhh: Car thefts hit 20-yr low (because more people are sleeping in them) (via @BorowitzReport)

Modern man: The sorriest cohort of masculine Homo sapiens to ever walk the planet

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Oracle spatial rocks...uploading Panama's GIS data...


Interlude: This spot is too distracting to get some work done...Yeah...Humans are very beautiful when they walk alone with their thoughts.

Note-to-self: Argentinian women are a different beast, add talent, looks, two Ph.d.s and being the lead singer on a 80's rock band...ARGHHH

Interlude: Stop flirting...That wasn't a flirt, that was a true compliment, she's too gorgeous to be working at a Dunkin...

Back from work..Weather is just right...

@Pure Lounge


Actually I drink malibu and coke because a very dear friend.


Friday, October 16, 2009

RT @GuyKawasaki: 40 years of Monty Python

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Interlude: The Taliban are approaching the nuclear centers of Pakistan...Ironic isn't...Dangerous yes, ironic not yet.

Artic ice is gone...No boats no more no more...Our grand Canal now is a Zonian theme park...No boats no more... Expansion blues

Interlude: Mmmm mostly women...You'll need my services dear, Don Luigi's pet?...Indulge me

Interlude: Yummy...stop it, you look like you in a candy bar..

CR day 2: 220+110+20

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Witching hour shopping...

Interlude: Why so squishy?...certain foreign accents...

There's a semaphore outside my street...When they put that there?!

Caloric Restriction Day 1: -2100

RT @Panama_Guide: Panama News - Firefighters come together to rescue brethren in Panama: Murphy (retired), who was a..

RT @firetown: "Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within." James Baldwin

RT @MRPaulSimon: Never mistake activity for achievement.
John Wooden-RT

Rapid Miner excellent Open source data mining environment

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Interlude: Thurisaz, interesting choice...

Interlude: You're walking us straight into Acheron...Don't worry, I'll be your Charon...Why are we doing this?...because we can.

Tor rules...

Monday, October 12, 2009

Interlude: Helvetica based designs arouse me so much I wonder why I hadn't date a graphic designer yet...errr, actually we did...Mmmm yes.

Just remember, if you are ever in doubt, more vodka usually solves the problems.
The Butterfly

Earth, mankind only known reservoir stands like a cosmic sitting duck while governments ponder if space's worth the $$.

Nessie probably choked on golf balls... #Nessie #Golf

Interlude: Hope is a drug....Ain't being hopeful, I'd "help" fate enough...Help or tweak?...You don't tweak fate, you tweak people.

Marital affairs 2.0

Interlude: What about "Ani L'dodi V' dodi Li"....Nope, too erotic, better something like "You're stuck with me now"..."Nonrefundable"?

Interlude: I still can't understand your reticence to use Rails...Our hosting provider doesn't support it...Pussy.

Interlude: Wondering where's my patience...In the same place where the others forgot their politeness.

Interlude: I believe the source of our migraines to be dealing with humans that behave like upgraded apes...Dear, they are upgraded apes.

Bear patiently, my heart - for you have suffered heavier things.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Government giving away a million a day in its first 100 days through direct contracts to whom? we'll learn the ugly truths after 5 years.

Now that Obama won the Nobel, I wonder if our local variety would add it to his "Head of State for dummies" things to do checklist.

Reading "Data Mining Cookbook: Modeling Data for Marketing, Risk and Customer Relationship Management"..And I thought the DSM IV interesting

Interlude: Sure it's of concern for all involved, how can we be sure now of anything...Well, we'll need another layer.

Martinelli said to the UN he's declaring a war on drugs and we can't even safeguard our own streets...Love his priorities.

RT: Lovely sunset appearing over the Liffey at the moment.

Sometimes it is easier to see what has gone wrong than to explain how to do something right.

USA bombs the moon, thanks god, the yanks are moving off planet, I was so worried I wouldn't be able to get a Big Mac on the moon!

Just read on Twitter: "You may have won the war, but you haven't won the battle." - my wife and kids

Some people have too much idle time... Anti-prostitution group seeks to stop Gabriel García Márquez movie.

Happy Bday Jhon... #Lennon

Interlude: Had U notice when we R doing wht we rlly luv 2 we seem 2 have an infinite supply of energy available?..Yes, it's called Redbull.

Note-to-Self: There's no way to easily manipulate the books I'm reading on the computer. Need a bookshelf software.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Martinelli defiende su plan de trabajo Seguro que es igualito al de Obama. btw, que ha hecho Obama? ...

Interlude: Why Badiou, why not Heidegger?...We only have Merlot at home, Badiou goes well with Merlot, both are more approachable.

Interlude: Feeling particulary aroused, what about you, me, some wine an a third party?...Heidegger or Badiou?...Badiou.

Ayeeeee Ayeeeeeee

Zelaya to the Honduras People:
"When I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles."

Zelaya to the OEA,UN,EU,etc..:
"When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles"

Why Honduras matter? Because it shows how easy is to Hijack democracy *cough* with Chavez help*cough* using its own rules. #Honduras

Coosemupar ahuyenta a los inversionistas. Martinelli's social capitalism? #Panama

Will California become America's first failed state?

@danwellman Check Galactic North stories and Diamond dogs and Turquoise days...

DWH Recovery day 2

Wondering, Dreamt of walking among coffins as far as my eyes could see, it was so disturbing I couldn't got back to sleep again..

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

RT @joshuapetker: "You only live twice, once for your life and once for your dreams"

RT @MRPaulSimon: You can observe a lot by just watching.
Yogi Berra-RT

Interlude: I'm worried mind is no longer able to separate facts from faith, why I can't be objective?!...Love tends to do that.

Interlude: It's ok to punch holes trough security?...I'm not punching a hole, I'm tiptoeing around holes already present.

Note-to-Self: A. Translate home office desk from 3D to 2D. B. Find ebook reader charger C. Reload new set of books to read.

Aversion is a fear response to the fact that the specific qualities we see in the disliked object also exists within us.

Life moves on, and sometimes harshly...

Interlude: Why are events today more often riots than revolutions?...Humanity has lost its balls.

I love information. But far too often, chewing on a raw data set can leave a salty and dry taste in your mouth.

New Digicel Offices in Honduras

Server is to a most interesting week...Note-to-self: Document, document, document.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

RT @prensacom: Panamá pide explicaciones a embajador de Venezuela #Panama #Chavez #Politics

Interlude:Do you realize there's a common thread among the people you named my modules after...Besides their genius?

Uploading my contacts to the CRM engine.

Interlude: I'm just being realistic...mind is the source of samsara...So, it´s also the source of Nirvana...touche.


Interlude:Had you notice we are short of evil deeds lately...My Evil Twin became a new-born christian...Gross...

Monday, October 05, 2009

Interlude:Had U noticed R body's crave 4 capsaicin lately?...Learnt behaviour, nothing 2 worry abt...I wouldn't mind a full medical.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Note-to-Self: Get a bigger bed.

Friday, October 02, 2009

Mind chatter reaching white noise levels...