Saturday, December 31, 2011

RT @Flipbooks: MYTH BUSTED! Stop Changing the Oil Every 3,000 Miles Already! (TIME) rt @juliespera #Cars #Environment

@Las Bovedas. Last chance to enjoy a New Year at the Old Quarter as it used to be.

RT @tvnpanama: Ganado silvestre amenaza ecosistema en Coiba #panama Más q una base pseudo-militar de 5 Millones?

RT @chicagotribune: 4.0 magnitude quake strikes in northeast Ohio, the latest near a gas drilling injection well

RT @PickTheBrain: 3 Unconventional Ways to Change Your Life this Year #happynewyear

RT @TomRaftery: My 12 grapes ready for the midnight bells (a Spanish tradition)!

RT @petershankman: REMINDER: TWEET AND POST RESPONSIBLY TONIGHT! What seems funny after 5 drinks can haunt you online forever.

RT @levitated: Entrepreneurialism: How to Leave Corporate America and Work for Yourself

RT @Telemetro: Canal cumple doce años en manos panameñas con elevados aportes

RT @Flipbooks: If you can go through life without a broken heart your not living hard enough....Just existing, people ~@TheSlyStallone

RT @grist: Madrid reclaims land for a beautiful park:

RT @Telegraph: Tomorrow's Sunday Telegraph front page: Revealed: the true scale of breast implant scandal

RT @lonelyplanet: Backpacker archetypes -- by @markbroadhead #lp

RT @terrapin_sf: My New Years resolution is to not dine at another restaurant that uses Flash on their website.

RT @adamsconsulting: Why Humanity Is All About Infographics -

RT @nasajim: #GRAIL A main engine stop...we are at the Moon!

RT @NASAJPL: Burn complete! #GRAIL-A is now orbiting the moon and awaiting the arrival of its twin #GRAIL-B on New Year's Day.

RT @Marelisa: RT @krisraphael: "Every human is an artist. And this is the main art that we have: the creation of our story" Miguel Ruiz

RT @Marelisa: Want to be awesome? Give your bartender $20 so they can use it to call cabs for people they suspect shouldn't drive.

RT @laonetwo507: Esta ocurriendo algo hermoso! El ultimo atardecer del 2011. Disfrutenlo!!! Y pidan pa que asi como el sol desaparece asi mismo lo malo.

RT @schierholz: Cheers @LockheedMartin #GRAIL control room at confirmation spacecraft A successfully entered the moon's orbit. So cool.

RT @Marelisa: RT @deanboedeker: Other people do not have to change for us to experience peace of mind. ~ Gerald Jampolsky #quote

RT @ecorazzi: Great way to end the year.. by looking back at the good times --> 10 ‘Feel Good’ Moments from 2011.

RT @sciam: The Elderly React Slowly Because They Want To Be Right

2011 was the year that confirmed more than any other year so far that Life; as with all things sacred; gives with one hand and takes with the other. I lost too many loved ones this year, but also was rewarded at the personal and professional level. Sort of sweet sour. But non-withstanding, let's focus on the good, really good and extremely awesome that it was...Happy New year my friends! I love you very much.

Interlude: Just hours to New doesn't feel like and end...Nor as a beginning, we must be in the middle of a story arc...An arc we did not start, full of bumps but quite a ride...*chuckling*

Friday, December 30, 2011

3D Tintin movie is awesome, subtitled at Extreme Planet. btw, Is just me or Extreme Planet's 3D is far better than Cinépolis?! For once I really enjoyed a movie without the blurriness, lack of depth and washed colours of Cinepolis.

If you have gone your whole life without a crushing heart-break. I congratulate you on living half a life...

Note-to-Self: Pervasive plastic surgery fueled by the cult of youth? Check.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Interlude: Dorian Gray goal completed, first time we get done a new year resolution before the year starts...What's next?...Our middle.

RT @WJBMoore: @willcarling Italy coming from behind to beat France for the first time in the Six Nations! #bestrugby

RT @AugusteVilliers If our Gods and our hopes are nothing but scientific phenomena, then let us admit it must be said that our love is scientific as well.

Note-to-Self: The absence of a sign is always the sign of an absence.

Interlude: Don't you have the impression reality is just a tableau vivant where we're keep continually acting out our life from start to end, every time a restart of the same play written in a slightly different style?...No.

Interlude: Stop doing that or I'll burst in laughter...Don't feedback me then, Who would imagen joy can be used to torture you, M would rise an eyebrow...*chuckling*

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Interlude: In Dublin you can't throw a stick without hitting a poet...In Panama you can't throw a stick without hitting a non-panamenian.

RT @Lotay: is single, straight, and totally unavailable.

Interlude: Guess you'll get your piercings after all...Yep, all over our face *chuckling*.

RT @EatThisNotThat: STRENGTHEN YOUR SKELETON: Shrimp is high in vitamin B-12, which helps boost your bone density!

I had to be free
Had to be free
From feelings that haunted...

Interlude: Do all Amr diab songs use the habibi word?...*chuckling*

RT @Wilde Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them.

RT @Wilde The reason we all like to think so well of others is that we are all afraid for ourselves. The basis of optimism is sheer terror.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

RT @xoutdoorsclub: Jueves 29 de Diciembre, despedimos el año con el ascenso al cerro #CerroPunta . Saliendo a las 8 am de #Volcan.

RT @KatrinaNation: This is worth reading as drone investigation (deeply) troubles us: Our Vanished Civil Liberties

RT @washingtonpost: The secret about college selectivity:

RT @FuelOnline: 1. You Get Robbed… 2. Update Facebook Status… 3. Tweet About It… 4. Call 911 #SocialMedia

RT @Panama_Guide: Panama News - Panama Debt Tops Emerging Markets as Latin America Becomes Haven: 28 (Bloomberg)

RT @washingtonpost: In 3 years, the Obama administration has built a vast drone/killing operation:

RT @Flipbooks: "The days you are most uncomfortable are the days you learn the most about yourself" ~Mary Louise Bean #quote

Interlude: There is it again...What?...The I-haven’t-gotten-laid-in-weeks look in your face...Not the way I usually enjoy to, but, you're right, I'm start turning restless.

Spooky tuesday...

Interlude: Troubled?...J doesn't remember her saying that...I wouldn't either, that's the sort of thoughts people won't voice, Why she said that aloud?...She never did.

Interlude: Mother noticed the Dorian Gray action going on...Choosing quality of life versus money pays up...We won't be able to claim that after the third week...Shifting baselines effect is on our side. it would be too gradual.

Interlude: How do you hold the mind arquetype of a trickster god?...Been harmless so far, let it be.

Monday, December 26, 2011

RT @ScienceChannel: Reefs Get Shocked Back to Life with Electricity:

RT @Flipbooks: 38 Random Acts of Kindness - The Birthday Project - rt @sarahsim

RT @clarocada: [TNW] This app lets you blackmail yourself into reaching your personal goals

RT @Flipbooks: "Be a woman that a man needs and not a woman that needs a man!" ~Unknown rt @jshe #quote

RT @cbcnewsbc: Tsunami debris already arriving, B.C. mayor says: The coastal community of Tofino, B.C.

RT @ShelbyKnox: Telling survivors they could have prevented assault by not drinking is actually telling rapists raping drunk people is OK

RT @Flipbooks: ♪♫ You're so vain, I bet you think this Tweet is about you..don't you, don't you,, you're so vain ♪♫

RT @laonetwo507: La culpa de la awebazon con la que los globos estaban sin helio se debe segun el Gobierno Nacional al PRD.

RT @AlexisGrubeos: #geek Pinterest: A Beginner’s Guide to the Hot New Social Network. *Hot?!! Is not FB, more like a tupperware meeting*

RT @BorowitzReport: There's nothing wrong with Mitt Romney that being an entirely different person wouldn't fix.

RT @tvnpanama: Martinelli: Hay que adelantar las elecciones primarias #panama

RT @BorowitzReport: 2011: Protesters around world use Facebook to change government; Americans use Facebook to protest changes in Facebook.

RT @CharlieGilkey: RT @DakotaGeek Photo of a 5 MB hard disk drive being forklifted out of a plane's cargo hold in 1956

RT @thinkprogress: NEW DATA: 2.5 million young adults now have health insurance thanks to Obamacare #facts #bestof11

RT @factsonfemales: If someone messes up, you let them know. But if they keep messing up, you let them go.

RT @factsonfemales: Relationships end too soon because people stop putting the same effort to keep you as they did to win you.

FB RT @Comedian Sean Cirone
Christmas is officially over.
Feel free to treat your fellow man like shit once again.
p.s. It's boxing day, feel free to hit them too.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Interlude: Limitless, At last a movie for the smart drugs generation...All those "OMG, been there done that" moments...Including the not so brilliants, common grounds with addictions...And taming it to suit our purposes.

A Song of Ice and Fire collection, Star Wars Darth Vader Force FX Collectible Lightsaber and enough books to keep me entertained until february...But my best gift yet, is having the friends I've. Love you guys!!!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

RT @Flipbooks: Brains of Children From Violent Homes Function Like Those of Soldiers (#NewScientist)

RT @chekelin: El antonimo de conmigo es sinmigo?

RT @thedailybeast: Calif. Salvation Army Tin Nets $10K Check: While $2K diamond rings donated in Miami. #cheatsheet

RT @ReformedBroker: I just put out milk and cookies for Santa. And Lipitor.

Never worry about the size of your Christmas tree. In the eyes of children, they are all 30 feet tall. - Larry Wilde,

Christmas is perhaps the only time in the year when people can obey their natural impulses and express their true sentiments without feeling self-conscious and, perhaps, foolish. Christmas, in short, is about the only chance a man has to be himself. - Francis C. Farley

Christmas is a time when you get homesick - even when you're home. - Carol Nelson

Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.

Interlude: Do you believe all that people at the Mall are buying in a compulsive manner?...Trying to fill a void like A suggests, no...With the inflation rate as it is, indeed is wiser to buy with today's money...*chuckling*

Interlude: Our vessel is decaying faster than expected...And so, a mind contemplates the demise of its substrate and with that, its own...Merry Christmas...Merry Christmas Dear.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Interlude: Religion must remain an outlet for people who say to themselves, "I am not the kind of person I want to be."...I am not the kind of evil I know I was meant to be, what's my outlet?...PS3?

Promoting gallantry since 1972...

Interlude: Nothing lifts one's soul better than a random act of kindness...Nothing boost one's ego better than a dignified old lady blowing a kiss at you with her best smile and light in her eyes.

Enjoy this #Christmas as if it were the last!!
The Mayan

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Minnesota gay community apologizes to GOP state senator who committed adultery for ruining her traditional marriage #ha

RT @GuyKawasaki: NASA's virtual snow globe captures 10 years worth of frozen precipitation

RT @thinkprogress: REMINDER: Ron Paul would have opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964

RT @USATODAY: Taliban, al-Qaeda, Iran ruled liable for 9/11

RT @KeithMcCullough: "Education is not a preparation for life; education is life itself." -John Dewey

RT @katherineharmon: Deaths from malaria are declining, but are they likely to disappear by 2015, as the WHO has hoped?

RT @mashable: As Users Rail Against GoDaddy, Unpacking the SOPA Supporter List [VIDEO] -

RT @BorowitzReport: It must be killing the House Republicans right now that they were forced to agree to something that helps people.

RT @arstechnica: Precambrian fossils, once thought to be embryos, reinterpreted as... something else: by @j_timmer

RT @Telemetro: Proceso por terreno de Paitilla no se archivará, Procurador
#Panama *Yeah sure*

RT @GuyKawasaki: 10 ways to organize your home office by Monday

RT @BreakingNews: More from @nzherald on 5.3 aftershock #eqnz

RT @BreakingNews: Police says earthquakes were 70 minutes apart, but no reports of any serious injury or damage - @TelegraphWorld

RT @jamieforrest: The list of companies that support SOPA reads like a who's who of dwindling business models

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Interlude: Why is that I always raise an eyebrow when this government claims i"X would benefit all panamenians"?...Because they mean they are going to make money out of it.

Sometimes it's what you don't post that counts

RT @artnetdotcom: The art world gets its own "Hot or Not" with "Art or Not:"

In every city, in every nation
From Lake Geneva to the Finland station
(How far have you been?)

RT @prensacom: Serpiente de Panamá porta hongo mortífero para las ranas:

Davis (of "La Cascara" fame) asks Martinelli's age, I wonder if is his age with photoshop or without photoshop.

RT @tvnpanama: Roban en banco ubicado en La Gran Estación #panama

RT @Panama_Guide: Panama Canal Expansion 32% Advanced (Inadvertent Confirmation of Delays).

RT @DesignObserver: A look at fairy tales through the lens of architecture. Part 1: & Part 2:

Interlude: There's no way mother would accept a platelet rich plasma fix, go with the usual gift...Women are vain, get her to the clinic, I'll do the rest...*chuckling*

RT @Marelisa: Creativity tip: study other cultures. Being exposed to cross-cultural experiences makes people more adaptive and flexible.

RT @ksablan: A good @webjournalist post that you should read: For journalism's future, the killer app is credibility

RT @conoche: RT @jtrinidadcr: Hay políticos tan depravados que no les basta con cogerse al pueblo.// #AlcaldeDeAguirre

RT @SmithsonianMag: One year until the Mayan apocalypse is upon us. Notable apocalypses that obviously didn't happen.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Interlude: I'll miss it...Wrinkles?...The abilty to make fast judgments...It would still be 70% accurate, and you won't be as transparent...*chuckling*

Interlude: December the 20th...Is better this way, not a national day...Why?...It would be a holiday, what sort of tribute would be sporting thousands of panamenians either drunk or sunbathing...or both.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Interlude: Our people's moral compasses seem to be hovering over a pole...A pole controled keenly by those in power.

RT @raisabanfield: Todos tenemos derecho a equivocarnos,pero los q se ven afectados por nuestros errores tienen derecho a q los reconozcamos

RT @YaleE360: Will changes to Brazil's forest code lead to a rise in deforestation?

RT @MotherJones: Republicans are Lunatics, Part CCXIV

RT @raisabanfield: Lo que nos gusta y defendemos para nosotros, debemos aplicarlo y defenderlo para los demás. #buenaconvivencia

RT @prensacom: Martinelli firmó el asilo territorial de Hurtado, dice Varela:

RT @TommyCreo Death is a disease, like any other. And there’s a cure. A cure. And I will find it.

"Buy books! Because a scented candle never changed anyone's life." --sign outside WORD in Brooklyn

Interlude: Well, the world still here, not fire and brimstone...I told you so, ready for some more heavy modifications...As long as they are carbon based.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Interlude: I want a son...Don't worry, is the weather.

RT @1stwebdesigner: Learn How To Increase Your Conversions From These 5 Consumer Psychology Studies

RT @Lotay: Don't be tainted by the darkness around you. Your light shines bright.

RT @Jerusalem_Post: Haredim have no right to force bus segregation: Ultra-Orthodox don't have authority to impose ideas

Interlude: No quiero un iphone, No quiero un iphone,No quiero un iphone...Resistance is futile my Dear, the only other option is, well, Android...*arghhhh*

RIP Cesaria Evora :(

Interlude: Blueberry smoothie, that's not even in the menu...Flirting has its side benefits.

RT @AlphaVille
So many adventures given up today,
So many songs we forgot to play.
So many dreams swinging out of the blue
Oh let it come true....

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Watching Atonement...

Is there a restaurant in Panama where the chef isn't venezuelan *chuckling*

Let's dance in style, lets dance for a while Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies …

RT @yokoono: It is outrageous that we take for granted that we kill children because we think they are children of our enemies.

RT @1pcornwell:
Love it all & do it all. EBooks for travel, paper for home.

RT @Panama_Guide: Italian senator raises possible bribery links to Panama Panama's gov: Panama's government has hunk...

RT @thedailybeast: The Republican Whitewash of the Iraq War to Come

Interlude: Light has a weird quality today...Ready?...Was ich gesagt, hab ist gesagt.

Note-to-Self: Short Story idea. Legs. Obsession.

RT @LIFE: To honor the anniversary of the first flight, have a look back at marvelous early flying machines -

RT @GSElevator: #1: There was a time when people would save up for things they wanted to buy.

RT @Flipbooks: 21 Captivating Social Media #Stats: How People Interact With Brands (Infographic) @HubSpot| #SocialMedia

RT @funnyoneliners: Love means never having to say anything because you're both looking at your smart phones
RT @meganamram

RT @girlposts: Textaphrenia = A disease found in teens, in which they have heard or felt a new text message vibration when there is no msg

Friday, December 16, 2011

RT @adamsconsulting: Creativity Defined: Traditional Books With Hyperlinks -

Interlude: Does she really intends to collar and claim us?...Our Prime would be amused.

Interlude: Sarcasm is the only public display of affection you'll get from me...hehehe.

RT @mashable: Malls Send Geo-fencing Texts to Lure Shoppers to Stores -

RT @Flipbooks: 21 Stunning Images of Trees from Around the World #Nature #Photography

RT @iwoot: Say hello to the SNOWBALL BLASTER! Fires snowballs up to 100 feet!

RT @themoneygame: These Are 29 Systemically Important Banks That Are Key To The Global Economy by @SimoneFoxman

Sing every day of you life Merry Christmas if you feel like it

There's a part within us so utterly alien, so impossible to empathize with, that it’s almost Lovecraftian in nature.

Interlude: One day for the first mayor step towards body alteration...So much whinning for that, I'd rather had a tattoo...Human skin is perfect as it is...whatever.

What a great day for a rainstorm...

Interlude: Is business as usual, why this one intimidates so much?...There's love in those eyes...Just desire...No, concealed love, that's dangerous.

In average two electrict transformers blow up at San Francisco every other night...

FB RT @RD Rubencho
Disney debería de hacer una princesa sin cabello para q cada niña en el mundo que este luchando contra el cáncer sepa que también es hermosa

FFB RT @IvorHartmann
‎"Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank and he can rob the world." - unknown

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Interlude: If the soul shapes the flesh, can I shape the soul by carving the flesh?...Another one of your thought experiments?...A "Real World" experiment...And the "willing" subject?...Your body.

Wondering if there's such thing as a "lite" transhumanist...

Interlude: For someone that never had issues experimenting with his own mind you are proving too cautious on body modifications...The human body was created Bi'tzelem Elokim, is perfect as it is...Genesis, 9:5...Leviticus 19:28...This is an argument none of us will ever win.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Remember your body language when talking with people with whom you are uncomfortable.

RT @themoneygame: WHOA: 70% Of All Japanese Cars Sold In America Are Made Here Too by @toracer32

RT @themoneygame: WHOA: 70% Of All Japanese Cars Sold In America Are Made Here Too by @toracer32

Interlude: That Dear, is the right question to ask.

Interlude: Do you wonder why the reticence?...A happy ending cannot come in the middle of the story...A happy continuum?...Nobody gets to see after the happily ever after, is this our happily ever after?

Interlude: Why must you always speak in riddles?...My old man aspect...An archetype with multiple personalities, no wonder.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

FB RT @"Bram Sim"
When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. But when we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.

FB RT @"Paramhansa Yogananda"
If you want to be loved, start loving others who need your love.

Interlude: It seems 2009 is being challenged as our best year yet...2011 hasn't ended yet, we lost a lot of loved ones...As we were warned...The Universe takes with one hand...And gives aplenty with the other.

RT @DorotheaTannning Keep your eye on your inner world and keep away from ads, idiots and movie stars.

Monday, December 12, 2011

RT @CharlieGilkey: There's no sense in figuring out the best ways to do something you shouldn't be doing in the first place.

RT @BoingBoing: Missing Doctor Who episodes found

RT @Jouvenel Una sociedad de borregos terminará por engendrar un gobierno de lobos. #Panama

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Interlude: Since when are teddy bears the new tinsel?...Indulge me...I'm really worried about your sudden kitsch aesthetics proficiency...Imagen it as an art installation to criticize the season´s consumerism: 12 Teddy bears up a fake christmas tree with LED lights blinking to an annoying tune by Ken Chen...*chuckling*

Christmas wreath completed now to see if I can complete the 12 teddy bear cubs up a christmas tree theme before midnight.

Why is Calle 50 closed?!

FB RT @Atusa
We stopped checking for monsters under our beds when we realized they were inside us.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

RT @DeboConfesarQue: En la vida no te vuelvas indispensable, sé inolvidable.

RT @Flipbooks: "Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day" ~Winnie the Pooh rt @SavvyBabii #quote

Interlude: Post-coital depression in the male of the species?...No, It was a good night, awesome I'll said. This one reminded me of one of Coehlo's eleven minutes characters...Fiction is reality in prose, the heart of all men wander in the same wilderness.

Friday, December 09, 2011

Interlude:Do you ever get a no for an answer?...Humans are a lonely bunch.


RT @aniboom: You can never go #home again, but the truth is you can never leave home, so it's all right. ~Maya Angelou #quotes

Interlude: Good ole motherly conditioned love...cheer up, love is overrated, Let's get drunk and wake up on unknown beds.

Interlude: It changes one's worldview isn't?...To fire bullets to an unarmed old woman in order to rob her?! That's not of people, not even animals...Now you see how people that supports capital punishment feels about it.

A taxi driver that seemed straight out of Prison Break, Radio Maria on, suddenly a sultry female voice giving a speech about "somos católicos", reminded me eerily those brainwashing religious ads on sci-fi movies.

RT @BL_Owens: Neuroscience for parents.

RT @Eaterofsun: Put an ice bug in your hand and it will cook - proteins denature at room temp #extremophiles #isearthspecial

RT @MotherJones: CIA Black Site in Romania: Hidden in Plain Sight

RT @stevebenen: Asked to name a small business that'd be hurt by a millionaires' surtax, GOP comes up with ... nothing

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Interlude: Is sort of disturbing...5 policemen with a civil chating about Noriega and Martinelli at some backwater Cerro Azul restaurant? Sort of.

Android's Fundamental Lagginess

RT @NatureNews: Rats free each other from cages *Nimh like*

RT @io9: Major earthquakes might be triggered by hurricanes

RT @GOOD: infographic about shoplifiting around the world and find out which surprising items are stolen most often

RT @wired: is the Pandora for paintings and hopes to democratize the world of art collecting:

RT @Yahoo: NOW: #VirginiaTech on lockdown following shooting of police officer near campus:

RT @rszbt: Bank notes not printed since 2002 WSJ: EZ central banks weigh plans for life after euro #gfc2

RT @_SteveMason_: BlackBerry Owners Want iPads And So Do Android And Windows Phone Owners: Survey

RT @globeandmail: Carrick's Reader: The staying single savings plan. No boyfriend, more cash in your pocket.

RT @jaybaer: TV ownership in U.S. FALLS for first time since records began

RT @NYDesign: 'What's the truth about how Coke's bottle design came about?'

RT @physorg_com: Climate change driving tropical birds to higher elevations

RT @yokoono: John Lennon 1940-1980. Please write your tributes in the comments here:

RT @arstechnica: How to market your indie games: Ben Kuchera's lecture at Run Jump Dev: by @benkuchera

RT @thinkprogress: Polar bears turning to cannibalism as Arctic ice disappears

RT @LizaK: Will buy, drink to, and meditate about: "The Buddha Walks Into a Bar" by @lodrorinzler

RT @OAPlanet: First Images Taken of Snow Leopards in Siberia

RT @speckyboy: Is Flash dead?

RT @metmuseum: Diego Rivera—internationally would be 125 today. Enjoy:

RT @Telegraph: We're looking for readers' pics of Hurricane #Bawbag, gales & bad UK weather generally. Send yours to

RT @LLMysteries: Do Ocean Waves Really Travel in Sets of 7?

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

RT @Jerusalem_Post: Saudi court sentences Australian to 500 lashes: Father of 5 found guilty of blasphemy

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Interlude: I'd rather be in bed...

Te sigo como les siguen los puntos finales,
a todas las frases suicidas que buscan su fin...

RT @Slate: RT @thedailybeast A Tale of Two Lesbian Moms, A Teenage Son (@ZachWahls) & a Viral Video That Wouldn't Die

RT @Mondoweiss: PHOTO: Child dragged out of his house by his throat as Israel demolishes homes near Qalqiliya

Monday, December 05, 2011

Interlude: Gifts are expressions of feelings...Big gifts do not always mean big feelings, just big pockets, is just a matter of scale...And what scale, is right for us to keep it?...Ask Mrs. Manners...*chuckling*

RT @VictorHugo
Le futur a plusieurs noms.
Pour le faible, c’est l’impossible.
Pour celui qui hésite, c’est l’inconnu.
Pour celui qui réussit, l’opportunité

Sunday, December 04, 2011

RT @Flipbooks: A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, & one of the best things you can be ~Douglas Pagels #quote

Piedad Córdoba destituida e inhabilitada por 18 años por la Procuraduría "por haber promocionado y colaborado" con las Farc

Saturday, December 03, 2011

RT @mims: Sarcasm can make you more creative attn @j_zimms @slaskow

RT @BorowitzReport: BREAKING: Cain Quits Race; Comedians Declare Day of Mourning #Cain

Rumors Of Extramarital Affair End Campaign Of Presidential Candidate Who Didn't Know China Has Nuclear Weapons

Rumors Of Extramarital Affair End Campaign Of Presidential Candidate Who Didn't Know China Has Nuclear Weapons

Friday, December 02, 2011

Feels like a summer day...

RT @FrankHerbert When you think to take determination of your fate into your own hands, that is the moment you can be crushed. Be cautious. Allow for surprises. When we create, there are always other forces at work.

Interlude: What's wrong with our politicians?!...If we learnt something from the inner war, it is almost impossible for self-serving groups to act enlightened.

#Cumberland County Animal Control: Drop the 72-hour-kill proposal #pets

Dear Bosco, the city needs more trees no more concrete, leave the Urraca as it is, you'll be praised in 20 years.

Note-to-Self: Layar, curious, ask, siri, voice, recognition, toy, cheap mobile with camera

Without fear, I just die once...

Interlude: Palace now puts the blame in Varela...Attack has the sole purpose of tricking the opponent into a misstep...Local politics are getting better than a game of thrones...Watch closely and take notes, it can prove helpful someday.

Thursday, December 01, 2011

RT @Slate: Why are there so many airlines bankruptcies? EXPLAINED: #business

RT @Lotay: "Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind." - Christian D. Larson

RT @GuyKawasaki: Physicists set limit on dark matter mass

RT @themoneygame: Suddenly, Europe's Gameplan For Saving Itself Is Becoming Very Clear

RT @thedailybeast: Senate Passes $662 Billion Defense Bill: Allows military to hold terror suspects. #cheatsheet

3 Critical Career Advancement Strategies for Introverts in Business: Early on in my corporate career, in which I...

RT @EatThisNotThat: "Life itself is the proper binge." - Julia Child

GOP votes to raise taxes on 160 million mostly middle-class Americans to protect 350,000 millionaires #ows

RT @Jerusalem_Post: French Jews now allowed to reclaim their old surnames: Following the decision, a Mr. Bouché will .

RT @Lotay: I'm not the car I drive; I'm not the credit cards I carry; I'm not the clothes I wear; I'm a product of my actions. *Commentary: so are the car, the credit cards and the clothes you wear*

RT @trendhunter: Faux Tourist Photography - Reiner Riedler's 'Fake Holidays' Shows a Break from Reality #World

RT @Telemetro: ONU advierte sobre peligro de otra recesión mundial

RT @EatThisNotThat: "Life itself is the proper binge." - Julia Child

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

RT @backyardpoultry: City council to consider allowing backyard chickens.

RT @timoreilly: Cool new architectural experiment: underground "earthscraper" proposed for Mexico City

Interlude: Don't you miss being single?, being able to spend all your money in me?...We still've one more hour of lunch, shopping?...That would improve our mood.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

RT @moehlert: People around the world spend 3 hours walking for water. Take 3 min to learn why. Video:

Information forensics: five case studies on how to verify crowd-sourced information from social media

Monday, November 28, 2011

RT @rmartinelli: Cambio Democratico es el único partido politico latino americano con cuenta verificada en tweeter. Felicito a todos sus miembros. *0_0*

RT @gubatron: time for a 3.5 mile meditation #justDoIt

RT @gubatron: time for a 3.5 mile meditation #justDoIt

RT @gubatron: time for a 3.5 mile meditation #justDoIt

RT @gubatron: time for a 3.5 mile meditation #justDoIt

RT @gubatron: time for a 3.5 mile meditation #justDoIt

RT @gubatron: time for a 3.5 mile meditation #justDoIt

RT @washingtonpost: France's highest administrative body sides with Monsanto:

RT @USATODAY: Music therapy can help retrain an injured brain

RT @protegeryservir: ATENCION: capturado Venezolano con equipo de clonación de tarjetas de crédito, en sector hotelero de la Vía España...

RT @Telemetro: #Panama Chiriquí celebra los 190 años de independencia de Panamá

RT @MotherJones: How 2008 Should Have Radicalized Us All

RT @9brandon: @Revkin @kategalbraith So now we get Mozambiqan warlords backed by natural gas money?

RT @David_Bressan: If earth-history = 1 year: the Silurian with 1st fishes & plants started 3 days ago, will end tomoro; today 1st Ammonites

Interlude: You are too fond of standing probability waves, this iteration is too short to waste time by not making a choice...The "length" of a lifetime varies depending on the size of the object such lifetime is measured with, reduce the size and the meassuring will last forever.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Interlude:Isn't there a rule against such public displays?...It pays to be obvious, especially if you have a reputation for subtlety

Seco con cranberry?!

Yo: Vodka? Barman:No Yo: Ron? Barman: Ron Abuelo. Yo: Ok, dame dos ron-cola. Barman:No tengo ron cola. Yo: O_O Yo: Dame ron con coca cola. Barman: Sólo tengo pepsi. Yo: +_+ ok

RT @prensacom: Hay más construcciones, pero disminuye la inversión en Panamá:

FAA set to approve US domestic use of drones. Officials hope to use them at next year's GOP convention:

RT @rosefox: .@sinboy: "You're not a drama queen. Maybe a drama contessa."

Se agotó el inventario de paraguas en Las Tablas!

RT @ThomasMarzano: Let's Set Fire To The Rain - Adele #NowPlaying

Saturday, November 26, 2011

After MSL, there's only about enough plutonium to power one more flagship mission. Then, no more exploring deep space.

Interlude: Osvaldo Ayala?! O_O...Pudo ser peor.

New use for beer: clean a bloodied blackberry. Note-to-Self:Beer bottles are not as sturdy as they used to be.

RT @adamsconsulting: 5 Lessons To Learn When Leaving Your Comfort Zone -

There are two things a person should never be angry at, what they can help, and what they cannot.-Proverb #quote

RT @Marelisa: How to Be More Creative - A Handbook for Alchemists

RT @Flipbooks: "Overnight success stories take a long time" ~Steve Jobs rt @DennyCoates @breizh2008 #quote

RT @guardiantech: The worldwide upsurge in demand for English versions of foreign bestsellers

RT @DrJeffersnBoggs: 8 Things You Won't Believe Plants Do - RT @zaibatsu @Flipbooks

Ma perché piangere per te?
C'è un mondo umile che
da solo troverò
E cercherò di ritovar
questo mondo umile
So che soravvirò.

Interlude: Perfection...The root of the problem?...So you acknowledge there is a problem...We got rid of one elephant, but mind is full of rooms...*chuckling*

Friday, November 25, 2011

RT @BorowitzReport: BREAKING: In Positive Economic Sign, Wal-Mart Customers Killing Each Other to Buy Shit

Is just me or there's a problem making calls...

Photosync, how much I love thee...

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Interlude: Hyaluronic acid..How much?...A Bar night, one t-shirt, two meals at Pomodoro's, a week supply, choose your poison.

RT @urbanophile: This Big City: How San Francisco Became a Cycling City Against the Odds -

RT @SEIU: #OWS_KITCHEN to serve 5000+ #Thanksgiving meals today starting 2PM. @Timcast reporting live: #OWS

RT @GuyKawasaki: 5 techs that kept the pilgrims alive

RT @Flipbooks: 78 Awesome Photos of the Eiffel Tower from Fantastic Angles! @cinnamon_carter #Photography

RT @ThomasMarzano: Has #Google just patented behavioural quality signals? #SocialMedia #SMM

Interlude: Where are our glabellar frown wrinkles?...That stuff they gave us at Kiehl's, amazing isn't?...Holy shit.

El Diputado Alcibiades Velásquez insiste en que es necesario erradicar la celebración de fiestas foráneas #en Panamá, por eso esta trabajando en nuevos proyectos para prohibir: #Thanksgiving, #Christmas, #Chanukah, #Ashura, St. #Andrew's , #Deepavali and anything else not having a proper spanish name
Happy Thanksgiving btw lol

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Looking back, I had had a lot of trouble in my life, most of which had never happened...

FB RT @Prensa En Resistencia
A Isaacs Eisenman lo han detenido ILEGALMENTE. Esta en el juzgado primero de lo Penal. PELEPOLICE. Otra arbitrariedad. Favor difundir

Interlude: Any reason behind those random spikes of joy?...Someone is remembering you with a smile?...Feels exactly like that.

Interlude: The Universe is either focused on us...or not looking...*chuckling* just in case don't forget to say "Thanks"...Thanks.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Life should be as good as an Abba song...

RT @KeithMcCullough: Argentina’s capital flight getting worse - dollar deposits dropping ~11% YTD (1st decline since 2001)

RT @Forbes: Are One In Five American Children Hungry?

RT @oliviachow: Excellent report: Start school at 2, study urges:

Interlude: Just solved the weird mistery of the Windows 7 missing start menu...Mac people can avoid being "voluntarily" enroled to solve such issues...I know.

Interlude: Why freedom means so much to those that can't have it?...Does help if I tell you freedom is highly overated?...No.

Interlude: A right-wing wannabe government...And a populace that gladly gives away liberties in exchange of security...Don't invest in bad karma, they deserve each other.

Dear loco-gob, despite the fact some people finds my unshaved face more attractive than usual, I personally don't. Agua? cuandoooo?!!

Interlude: Eres design.

Monday, November 21, 2011

RT @Colin_Jones: Lou Reed, @TalibKweli and others launch OccupyMusicans, a site for musicians who support #OWS

Interlude: Our non-proven-to-exist vomeronasal organ for some reason triggers a rejection response, there, I said it...That being polite, problem is...Why?

Azul oscuro, casi negro...

Interlude: What was that?...You flirt, others have the same right...I'm a married man, btw, where's the damn ring...It was in your finger last week.

Dear Martinelli, thanks for contributing to a shorter work day, that I'll need to eventually work after hours to compensate. Sincerely, the other 50%.

Interlude: Do you need a laugh Dear?...Try...Rajoy is Spain's new president...That Rajoy?...Yup...Well, if Martinelli won here, why can't the spaniards.

Sólo en la Dubai de América: Usuarios de Torre X, pueden bajar con su tanquecito, el carro cisterna está en la salida Y. *I'm so enjoying this goverment*

Interlude: Any clue why mind have us battling alien invasions in our dreams?...Full HD action packed cool alien invasions, this morning's was worth of a Cameron movie...And the saturday one, amazing weaponry...Worried?...Mind doesn't waste resources on dreams like those for nothing.

Omnia Sol temperat
purus et subtilis...

Sunday, November 20, 2011

RT @TheEconomist: Though tens of thousands of roundabouts exist across #Europe, America still has only 3,000 of them

RT @Jerusalem_Post: Israeli-developed 'artificial pancreas’ tested: Health Scan

Is there a time to walk for cover
A time for kiss and tell
Is there a time for different colors
Different names you find it hard to spell

No que el agua se iba?! Ahora no tengo excusa para no salir de casa RRRR.

A story is told as much by silence as by speech...

RT @VerbalSpacey Pet ERs are the saddest places on earth. Hug your pets people.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

@Gym, 15 minutes wondering biceps or triceps today...

Big Jump in Near #Poor--51 million Americans. 1/3 of US is poor or near poor #ows

RT @Buddhism_Now: In Buddhist meditation don't try to stop thinking, let mindfulness overcome it. Zen Graffiti

RT @Jerusalem_Post: Iran officer killed in blast was working on ICBM. *cough*as in Intercontinental Ballistic...*cough*

RT @musicinterface: @davidblaine Diligence is the mother of good fortune - Don Quixote

RT @mims: Kindle Fire: History's greatest monster, or worst thing ever? Devastating review by @marcoarment

RT @baratunde: Bella just told her dad she will love him forever which is funny cause it's TRUE! #vampirejokes #breakingdawn

RT @Panama_Guide: Sensei Expelled From Federation of Karate For Beating 12 Year Old Boy

RT @Flipbooks: #Netflix To Resurrect Arrested Development (TNW) #Entertainment

RT @kejames: DNA barcoding isn't the only new technology for species ID. Eg. take acoustic monitoring of birds: 1/2

RT @MotherJones: Nate Silver Ranks Every Economic Indicator You Can Think Of

RT @TimJensen: In 1659, it was illegal to celebrate Christmas in Massachusetts.

RT @baratunde: As he walks her down aisle, Bella's cop dad promised to never let her fall. Dude, you let her get KIDNAPPED like 5 times

RT @MotherJones: Students meanwhile, are facing yet another round of brutal tuition hikes.

RT @Flipbooks: #Netflix To Resurrect Arrested Development (TNW) #Entertainment

Google Street view?

Dear Universe, please redirect all my past lives and current pleas for mankind's demise, focus them in only this two panamenians in the current iteration...Like you did with Chavez.

Martinelli, al menos tengo que agradecerle a tu *blip* ley zanahoria que no van a nacer panameños feos debido a los efectos "embellecedores" del alcohol consumido después de las 3:00 a.m.

Gracias Pinche Mulino y Martinelli por la ley zanahoria...Ojala se *blip* en el *blip* *blip* *blippppppppppppppppp*

Friday, November 18, 2011

Dear patrons, enjoy your last 15 minutes of entertainment thanks to your dearest president: Martinelli...A big boo is heard.

Interlude: Pragmatism...Truth consists not in correspondence with facts but in successful coherence with experience...Dictat.

Interlude: Komodo, six years later...Do dreams come true?...As of late, it seems life is catching up...So it seems.

Comenzó la ponchera...

RT @GuyKawasaki: Women who game online have more sex [infographic] x_x

RT @globeandmail: Why modernize the penal system when all the answers can be found in its glorious past?:

@Mauro Picotto

RT @djafrojack: Everyone tweet facebook everything you can do to NOT cancel Creamfields Bogota!!!! I dont care where but we WILL party!!!!!!

RT @Flipbooks: "A youth that does not cultivate friendship with the elderly is like a tree without roots" ~Ntomba #Proverb

RT @GuyKawasaki: Clever PSAs encourage adoption of shelter pets [video]

RT @BoingBoing: German manager from Mercedes-Benz arrested under Alabama's extreme anti-immigration law

RT @mashable: Google Earth Follows Robots Across the Pacific Ocean [VIDEO] -

RT @Neruda you can pick all the flowers, but you can't stop the spring

RT @Neruda you can pick all the flowers, but you can't stop the spring

RT @io9: Are we just a 3D hologram created by 2D information stored at the edge of the universe?

Panama underground tour...

Urban exploring...Panama viejo by night


RT @NapoleonHill You can be absolutely certain that when you feel you are being most unfairly tested, you are being prepared for great achievement.

RT @Rumi Lovely days don't come to you,
you should walk to them...

Interlude: Scared to think whatever mental processes are going through the mind of people that still applauds Martinelli...Profit.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

RT @AnneRice Lestat and Louie feel sorry for vampires that sparkle.


RT @TIME: 17 million have quit their jobs this year: Signs of a recovery? |

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

RT @io9: A mind-boggling infographic of all the missions from Earth to Mars, and where they wound up

RT @Dvolatility: When biologists become designers of humans, then what? | SmartPlanet -

Whatever happened to freshmeat?! 0_0

#Cainwreck : Is what #Martinelli never will be since at least he knows when to shut his mouth and leave the endemic scandal-prone-panamenian-short-memory-overwrite-syndrome to run its course. #Panama

RT @businessinsider: CAINWRECK: Herman Cain Thinks Cuban Is A Language (Video) by @grace_lightning

Esta #SOPA no me gusta... #stopsopa

There goes my freedom to stay awake late...Note-to-Self: One more reason not to get married or any equivalent form of cohabitation. Separated houses/rooms mandatory for future relationships.

Interlude: Aren't 8 months enough time to memorize your "new" cellphone number?...It's sigil makes no sense, so mind just keeps ignoring it.

RT @michaelpcook: When you catch yourself saying "I can't", go do something unpredictable--and make your life better.


RT @Panama_Guide: Panama News - Trump's Panama Ocean Club Misses Bond Interest Payment:

RT @Forbes: Check out this map of migration within America here: & responses from experts here:

@NYCMayorsOffice lied about #OWSLibrary "There are only 25 boxes of books; many of the books are destroyed. Laptops here but destroyed."

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

RT @TheRealTruth3: Relationships are a gamble these days.

RT @Flipbooks: "Life always offers you a second chance. It's called...tomorrow" ~@TheSingleWoman #quote

RT @AppStore: Foodily is kind of like Instagram for foodies but with recipes and nutritional info.

RT @nytimeshealth: The Athlete's Pain: Hip Impingement Grows Popular but Remains Unproven

Today class redefiness the meaning of "Literacy wall of shame"

RT @Flipbooks: "#Leadership is the ability to hide your panic from others" ~Unknown #quotes

RT@AnaisNin "The day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

RT @JosephRanseth: Never be afraid to let the best parts of you show... or the worst. They all make you beautiful.

Interlude: Live your own life, for you will die your own death...every time.

RT @LATimeshealth: Optical illusion dampens arthritis pain

RT @tvnpanama: Denuncian intimidación al Juez que falló contra “pele police” #panama

RT @Flipbooks: 20 Million Tons of Japanese Debris Spotted En Route to #Hawaii| #Environment #Awareness

Oops! "Marta" se accidentó!!! Buscando grúas de 1000 toneladas, anyone?

Moving to the speed of life...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Interlude: Mudras? Whatever happened to doodling?...Not sure, left hand has a couple of years doing that on its own volition, maybe is trying to communicate...*chuckling*

Hola soy Darks...

Interlude:This well could be the trigger event...What's done is done, how we minimize the damage?...Diversion or a full frontal in your face stance.

What's done is done...

Interlude: Took time but you got even...Why I feel miserable then...People may understand an enemy better than they may understand a friend. Understanding leads to sympathy, a most dangerous pitfall.

Fallaste corazón, no vuelvas a apostar...

Interlude: This is going to be a Hell of an hectic week...Push a little harder this one and we'll be completely BMW until our next project...Is that an advice or a warning...Both.

Interlude: Wondering what's going on with google today...Like most omniscient beings, she's bored. She wants to play a game...Yes, let's screw up Ken searches.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Done for the night, How to learn Primavera in 2 hours and a half, with just three hours to sunrise, not bad.

Sunsets are painful reminders of all colours contained in your eyes...

Interlude: Temperantia, caritas, industria, patientia, humanitas, humilitas...castitas?...knowledge, honesty and wisdom...The purity part...That one is proving more difficult to explore.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Interlude: Why when I need to speak to our prime it's...Flying somewhere else.

RT @BreakingNews: Bulldozer runs through Occupy Salt Lake City camp; police arrest at least 4 - via #OccupySLC tweets

RT @greenskeptic: RT @JohnGlenday: Skin deep is always deeper than you think. <

RT @Jerusalem_Post: Israelis find ‘marker’ for Einstein’s gravitational waves 0_0

RT @accidental_chef: Don't miss @Barbados #foodwinerum fest. Get up close w/ @chefmingtsai @tomcolicchio & @MarcusCooks

RT @Telemetro: Al menos 5 heridos por estallido en municipio colombiano

RT @Flipbooks: #Climate Change 'Confirmed' By Independent Study (BBC) #Environment

RT @themoneygame: VIDEO: This Is What It Was Like Outside When Martinellilusconi Stepped Down

RT @baratunde: Republicans, the more you share your ideas. The less America wants you. ENOUGH WITH THE GOP DEBATES! We get it. You hate tax

RT @prensaco: Martinelli renuncia; Panama busca evitar colapso financiero:

RT @bvmujati: Sometimes you have to bite your lip so hard it bleeds. In this world telling the truth is wrong.

RT @Flipbooks: To believe in your choice you don't need to prove that other people's choices are wrong ~@PauloCoehlo #quote

RT @Flipbooks: To believe in your choice you don't need to prove that other people's choices are wrong ~@PauloCoehlo #quote

RT @designtaxi: #Recap - Haptic shoes as navigational guide for the blind

RT @Flipbooks: "It takes a lot of courage to show your #dreams to someone else" ~Erma Bombeck #quotes

RT @Jason_Pollock: If your ideas are so big that they scare you a little bit, then you know you're on the right track. #ThinkBig

RT @BoingBoing: US college grads' salaries in steep decline

RT @LIFE: On Nov. 12, 1984, Madonna releases her 2nd studio album “Like a Virgin” -

RT @Flipbooks: Neuromancing the Cloud: How Siri Could Lead to Real Artificial Intelligence (Forbes) #Technology #AI

RT @BorowitzReport: Herman Cain says God told him to run for President. Probably, God thought that would keep him from groping more women.

Friday, November 11, 2011

RT @portodiao: Los #Indignados #Panama tomaron muchas fotos y video. Estarán en el gazebo al lado de Vasco Nuñez toda la noche.

35-year-old veteran shoots, kills himself at "Occupy" protest:

RT @MotherJones: Republican Senate Candidate: Gap Between Rich and Poor "Should Be Wider" pHyez00d O_O

RT @drgrist: I never cease to be amazed that there are grown-ass men who take Atlas Shrugged seriously.

RT @AlecBaldwin: Berlusconi tried, the weasely little bastard. But the Italians are great people.

RT @Flipbooks: 13 Staggering #Facts About The Global Super Rich (BusinessInsider) #Business #Statistics

RT @DaveZinczenko: WATERED DOWN: People who drink up to 34 oz of water a day are 36% less likely to develop diabetes, says French study.

RT @eddankatz: Violent video of police at Cal raises questions, eyebrows

RT @physorg_com: 'Sound of Football' project allows blind to play football (w/ video)

RT @Flipbooks: "Inside every older person is a younger person – wondering what the hell happened" ~Unknown #quote

RT @grist: Bananapocolypse! Your corn flakes are about to get really lonely:

RT @Mondoweiss: Arab Spring? What Arab Spring?: US policy in the Middle East shows no change since the fall of Mubarak

RT @eddankatz: RT @killthesmiley #occupy #occupynovascotia Police have started to arrest and beat people at Victoria park.

Interlude: To give voice to your feelings you need to let them go...Naming your demons not always work...I'm just saying.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Just read the Law 349 document...Simple majority to approve the suggested app projects when the President and his two main minions are THAT SIMPLE MAJORITY?! 3% of PIB to allot for APP projects? Use of already paid public infrastructure to provide "services"? I'll start thinking of projects to plunder, sorry, to invest with the locogobs.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Dear Karma, I've a list of people you missed...

Eternal is the smile...

Interlude: I've a theory about enlightenment...Another one?...Some go to the desert and become prophets, some keep it to themselves...Anonymous next door buddhas?...That would be a great name for a band...*chuckling*

RT @Einstein There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

RT @Walt Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself; (I am large, I contain multitudes.)

Because I talked so rarely, every time I spoke, people stopped talking and took the time to listen to me. Been there.

Your silence passes many messages; one is that you are somebody, not nobody, a person able to face a crowd and to wait. This is an almost biological power of the big secure animal looking at harmless ones. People understand or better said they feel. After this, you have a better chance to be listened to.

If you have a gift with words, learn to keep your mouth shut; when you speak, punctuate with pause; and when you have nothing to say, say nothing.

RT @drgrist: Oil and gas reps suggest using counterinsurgency tactics on fracking opponents

RT @CharlieGilkey: While the brilliant person's mind is whirring, the wise person's hands are working.

RT @RevDannyFisher: The LA Times: 'The Lady': Luc Besson, Michelle Yeoh on Burma's Suu Kyi

I find it incredibly revealing that oil & gas industry refers to fracking resistance as "insurgency." Shows who they think ruling class is.

I find it incredibly revealing that oil & gas industry refers to fracking resistance as "insurgency." Shows who they think ruling class is.

There's such thing as an "authentically black"?!!!…

RT @MotherJones: Why Mississippi's Personhood Measure Failed

RT @businessinsider: More And More People Are Deciding That Private School Isn't Worth It by @abbyrogers O_o

Interlude: 300 joints! 600 muscles! and you'd to injure those ones...I can supress the pain, make it bearable...I'd rather wait three months Dear, a damaged body is of no use at old age.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Insomniac, watching Stardust for the N-th time this year, if there're such thing as "comfort" movies, this is one of them.

RT @Telemetro: #Panama Investigan nudismo en discoteca de calle Uruguay investigating what truly matters...

RT @BreakingNews: Update:1 person has died in Brooklyn building collapse; 2 victims in serious condition, 2 stable

RT @zaibatsu: Black and Asian Teens Have the Lowest Rates of Drug Use

RT @FastCoDesign: Student designer uses playful handmade hacks to make touchscreen UIs more physically interactive.

RT @adamsconsulting: Get Your Own 3D Printer For The Same Price As An iPad! -

RT @Edison I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.

RT @thinkprogress: UPDATE: With about 1/3 of the precincts reporting, Mississippi personhood amendment failing 60/40

RT @grist: Michael Pollan's book Food Rules has been brought to life by the illustrations of Maira Kalman

Sabias que la ley 349 establecera que TODAS las decisiones en el pais seran tomadas por el pres. Y el ministro de la presiedencia? Y que la salud sera publico-privada, esta huelga no es de MEDICOS es de todos. Haste el ciego sordo mudo Hoy y mañana lamentate, informate y sal a protestar POR LA SALUD por un #Panama justo

Interlude: Lucky B*blip*...I know.

Add to things I'd forgotten how tricky they can be: OCI configuration

Note-to-Self: The answer to collective political failure is political action. Commentary: *by whom?*

Interlude: Worrying Pat may correlate all major world disasters to our bed follies?...At least your half...*chuckling*

RT @PublishersLunch: Little, Brown's Mulholland Withdraws Markham's Debut Novel for Lifted Passages [reg. rqrd.]

Interlude: Gaudeamus igitur, iuvenes dum sumus...Vita nostra brevis est.

Interlude:Hosting a whole family, isn't that pushing too far?...Where's your sense of adventure?...Where's is Ken would be a better question...You know the answer Dear.

Interlude: Isn't there a rule against playing games with women that had seen Fatal Attraction too many times...Your wine is too strong.

Monday, November 07, 2011

RT @Slate: How coconut water suddenly became so ubiquitous: #coconutwater #drinks

RT @grist: RT @algore: Australia passes historic climate legislation:

RT @USATODAY: Jackson fans, family see justice in doctor's guilty verdict

RT @eartheats: RT @climatelive Climate change hits Alaska's national parks:

RT @globeandmail: Aliens aren’t real, White House says when pressed for answer:

RT @Panama_Guide: Five Tourists Rescued From Summit of Volcán Barú - Altitude Sickness

Note-to-Self: is not our friend.

Interlude: That was a door with issues...*chuckling*

Interlude: I'm starting to hate Yum...I warned you, you never listen to me.

RT @SEIU: 1/2 of all Americans think Republicans are purposefully sabotaging the economy (via @dKos/@SEIU poll by PPP)

RT @mims: "[Buyers of non-iPad tablets are] like Pepsi drinkers: Who are they? Why aren’t they drinking Coca Cola?"

RT @drgrist: Beijing denies air pollution while party elites get home air purifiers

RT @jhalifax: "Everything changes once we identify with being the witness to the story, instead of the actor in it."
~ Ram Dass

"In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations."
Great Law of the Iroquois

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Interlude: Worried?...Almost all whale poop floats dear...True darling, but it's a big ocean out there.

RT @businessnews: SNL Skit: The Greek Gods gather to solve the Greek financial crisis

RT @ecopolitologist: Oklahoma Earthquake Linked to Fracking? My latest at @earthindustry

RT @Jerusalem_Post: 'Men commanding women in IDF ‘contravenes Torah'': Hardline Rabbi Dov Lior tells students...