Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Interlude: Pissed off darling?...Delete all the pictures, let's forget. What one forgets never existed at all.

@RT @markfollman: Meet the mysterious #darkmoney man who helped Mitt bury Newt in Florida tonight http://t.co/599SBWHj via @AndrewKroll

Newly Discovered Recordings By Thomas Edison Allow You To Finally Hear Otto Von Bismarck Talk http://t.co/PszQ9Mfo

Newly Discovered Recordings By Thomas Edison Allow You To Finally Hear Otto Von Bismarck Talk http://t.co/PszQ9Mfo

Newly Discovered Recordings By Thomas Edison Allow You To Finally Hear Otto Von Bismarck Talk http://t.co/PszQ9Mfo

Newly Discovered Recordings By Thomas Edison Allow You To Finally Hear Otto Von Bismarck Talk http://t.co/PszQ9Mfo

Newly Discovered Recordings By Thomas Edison Allow You To Finally Hear Otto Von Bismarck Talk http://t.co/PszQ9Mfo

Newly Discovered Recordings By Thomas Edison Allow You To Finally Hear Otto Von Bismarck Talk http://t.co/PszQ9Mfo

RT @BoingBoing: Pony: a disturbing kinetic sculpture http://t.co/SClJj4Iy

RT @TIMEPolitics: Mitt Romney wins the Florida primary. #FLPrimary

RT @BBCBreaking: Mitt #Romney projected to win Florida's Republican presidential primary, US networks say. Details soon http://t.co/T5Aka4QG

RT @BorowitzReport: The Republican candidates plan to mark Black History Month with a month of silence about black history.

RT @demingSoS: "It's not so much how busy you are, but why you are busy. The bee is praised; the mosquito is swatted."
- Marie O'Connor

Interlude: Dionysius made sufficiently clear there's no happiness for the person over whom some fear always looms...Way to keep our evil twin in check...The fear needs to be real and unavoidable.

Interlude: What's our worst case scenario?...After a life of hedonism and debauchery, where I should start? Hehehe...Hahahaha...It's good to know you both share the same dark sense of humor.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Interlude: Martinelli's government shows what happens when the crappiest generation of spoiled idiots gets to vote...Decide to vote actually...*chuckle*

RT @PublishersLunch: #plnws eBook Sales Tax Problem Afflicts Quebec, Too http://t.co/un62VDhl

RT @JCESARAP1: @AlvaroAlvaradoC Se prendió el rancho en San Félix y Tolé. Indígenas protestan.

RT @Slate: Fanciest private high schools now cost even more than Ivy League colleges: http://t.co/xWa4QLaB

Un Pitufo en cinta costera hacia la Asamblea? It's 1989 already? http://t.co/TrfLaMFr

RT @Minervity: Science: What Your Eye Color Reveals About You - http://t.co/FJrWtFYJ

RT @BoingBoing: Stereogranimator: transform historical stereographs from NYPL archives into animated gifs and 3d images http://t.co/RjJfXGkZ

RT @washingtonpost: Illinois nuclear reactor loses power, releases steam: http://t.co/0VcIl52J O_O

Romney leads crowd in singing America The Beautiful - Are u all thinking what I am? American Idol presidential election 2012 edition!

RT @IntoMobile: New law would require carriers to disclose tracking software like Carrier IQ http://t.co/N8fkJPKe

RT @HuffPostPol: VA lawmaker attaches mandatory-rectal-exams-for-men amendment to anti-abortion bill huff.to/A5WwNv (via @LEBassett)

RT @_Photography: As Photography Evolves, Quality Imagery Remains Vital for Local http://t.co/4q51sasQ

RT @FishPanama: Killer Whale Menu Finally Revealed - ScienceNOW - http://t.co/0Z71XN5b

Queridos hermanos panameños, si dejan pasar la sala V prepárense para la "Ley Habilitante". Saludos, El pueblo venezolano.

RT @Forbes: Here's how technology actually hinders crimefighting, reports @erikkain. http://t.co/sQMK7VZt

Why Are Teenagers So Moody? Because Their Brains Go Into Overdrive When They Enjoy Something http://t.co/CznjMF08 #Parenting #Science

Massive meetings of Ngabe and Bugle anti-mining protesters in Vigui and San Felix, more coming down from the hills. 500 riot police on their way. This government hadn't learn a sh*t from Bocas?

Note-to-Self: You can't put your arms around a memory...

Sunday, January 29, 2012

A very small man can cast a very large shadow....

Interlude: Isn't that too far fetching, even for us?...A goal is not always meant to be reached, like Polaris, it often serves simply as something to aim at.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

#business RBS chairman rejects £1.4m bonus - The Royal Bank of Scotland chairman, Sir Philip Hampton, has given up a... http://t.co/jPTzlZWY

#business RBS chairman rejects £1.4m bonus - The Royal Bank of Scotland chairman, Sir Philip Hampton, has given up a... http://t.co/jPTzlZWY

#business RBS chairman rejects £1.4m bonus - The Royal Bank of Scotland chairman, Sir Philip Hampton, has given up a... http://t.co/jPTzlZWY

RT @BadAstronomer: Nobody does happy like a dog does.

RT @Lecturalia: Calibre permite enviar eBooks por email al Kindle convirtiendo el formato, para que sea recibirlo y leerlo. #NosGusta

RT @Minervity: Cosmetic Overkill: 365 Days Of Makeup Applied On One Day - http://t.co/Jf8r5K2f

Law proposing to drug test welfare recipients withdrawn after amendment passed requiring legislators to be tested also http://t.co/nFNxsy5P

#ArabLeague confirmed it was holding talks with #Russia ahead of #UN meeting on Arab peace plan to end crisis in #Syria http://t.co/olk2r7yy

RT @ictregister: Good piece in Economist on IPads & education. New way 2 do same old thing or genuine breakthrough? http://t.co/nrLzVWSa

RT @ThisIsRobThomas: song of the day: ICE CREAM - @SARAHMCLACHLAN (happy b-day sarah!)

RT @NAlShaikh: A MUST SEE short video produced by the #BBC with a fabulous shot of #BurjKhalifa
http://t.co/pOKCaXRQ #HumanPlanet

What happened when you met your partner's parents for the 1st time? We'd love to hear your story (200 wds). Email family@guardian.co.uk

RT @urbanophile: NYT: New York Airports Account for Half of All Delays - http://t.co/bLmo2mSq

RT @falkondiaz: @rmartinelli los que insultan, son los que se han quedado sin argumento, para sustentar sus ideas

Friday, January 27, 2012

RT @Forbes: FBI Reveals Plans to Build Vast Social Media Monitoring System http://t.co/JVRYwhWv So I guess is already built.

RT @Marelisa: RT @PinarAkal1: You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf. ~Jon Kabat Zinn

RT @trendhunter: Simplistic Bittersweet Paintings - Laura Gee Renders Sad, But Endearing Imagery http://t.co/jVkwxlyw #ArtDesign

RT @mntpublica: Más información sobre el Festival de San Francisco de la Montaña AQUÍ https://t.co/yTMyu3r5 @festsnfrancisco

RT @Alyssa_Milano: Twitter Isn't Censoring You. Your Government Is. Read this➛ http://t.co/1C1ME92a /via @BuzzEdition

RT @Buddha Your body is precious. It is our vehicle for awakening. Treat it with care.

When Designer genes designed to maximize profit become the ecosystem -->The Great Escape: Gene-altered crops grow wild. http://t.co/Mtp0KU1d

RT @GOOD: Project: Make an infographic of your weekly spending http://t.co/hzJE12c0

RT @KrlosND: #SoloenChiriqui los taxis no te dicen No voy @Chiriqui :D

Interlude: Ave versus christus? I'd been praising the wrong lord for a week?...*chuckling*

RT @NatureNews: Europe prepares to admit that biodiesel is worse than fossil fuels http://t.co/F0YcH1AQ

RT @Telegraph: Terrible news for young Spaniards today. 51.4 pc of 16-24 year olds out of work in December http://t.co/nw3MID5T

Sanguis bibimus...Corpus edimus

Thursday, January 26, 2012

News from the future: En riesgo de hambruna, 2.5 millones de panameños._ http://t.co/3hM3bnpQ

RT @Flipbooks: If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education, go to the library ~Frank Zappa #quote

RT @AlvaroAlvaradoC: Que bueno seria ver a los diputados trasnochados aprobando leyes para que todos los panameños tengan agua potable.

Interlude: Is this legal?...Do you want to learn e-IBS or not?...I asked for a manual, not well, a full end-to-end how-to...Enough know-how for a lifetime don't you think?...*chuckling*

Some crazy guy on a plane is doing smoke signs over the city skyline...

Interlude: God's timing is perfect Dear, so it's said. Hecuba is upon us, let's seize her blessings not question them...I question too much isn't?...Sometimes even I despise you.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Interlude: It's amazing what the Universe can do with N3 baryons...It's amazing the difference a vast amount of endocrine gland's produce gives form to...It was too much just to think "Woof!"?.

Interlude: I'm thinking on switching to the chinese horoscope, this New Year just started as predicted, gooooood $$$$$...Dear, it predicts that every other month...*chuckle*

Con este gobierno habrá que cambiar la letra de "Que es lo que el DENI puede hacer" por "Qué es lo que la DGI puede hacer"...Me recuerda a la Venezuelade finales de 2006. Vamos bien.

RT @raisabanfield: "Conflicto interno" q señala Diputado Hernándezq manipulación de intereses de quienes están detrás de Cerro Colorado

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

RT @Flipbooks: It's Organic, but Is It Natural? (#NYTimes) http://t.co/FlRgJpui

Interlude: I'm not sure...Write a paper on the subject, you know more than enough.

RT @Bomgar: Pew Research Center: Tablet ownership nearly doubled during the holidays http://t.co/K95xAKDc

RT @penguinusa: Here are more pics of that amazing theater-turned-bookstore in Buenos Aires: http://t.co/jSgG6Yyg @beckmortimer

RT @penguinusa: Here are more pics of that amazing theater-turned-bookstore in Buenos Aires: http://t.co/jSgG6Yyg @beckmortimer

RT @timoreilly: That being said, RT @zpower looks like apple's quarterly revenue is the highest ever reported by any company in history.

RT @syntekoficial: Damas y caballeros confirmada mi actuación al lado de Espinoza Paz este sábado 28 en la Plaza de Toros México, no falten!

RT @Slate: RT @fmanjoo: Apple's numbers are just insane. More than 100 percent increase in net profits. http://t.co/mM1JTJhC

RT @WSJ: Researchers for the first time are mapping the brain's wiring to understand how it stores info http://t.co/R7iPSo59

Interlude: That is not dead which can eternal lie...And with strange aeons even death may die.

RT @AlidaSpadafora: A Dirigencia indígena no le permiten entrar a Asamblea para discusión de su ley especial. Es una burla.

RT @tommytrc: How an Alaskan Mom Brings Millions to Her Carpentry Blog http://t.co/0c883OR2

Monday, January 23, 2012

RT @LATshowtracker: Bill Prady's 'Big Bang Theory'? Intelligence not always an asset http://t.co/0p4dlb9I

Note-to-Self: Don't play rugby with two female bulldogs...you'll lose.

RT @brianstelter: Intriguing: NBC News creates NBC Publishing to sell newsy eBooks: http://t.co/tKVYvxzT

Interlude:The story arc we're traversing seems written by Baumbach...Chapter one...through fourth...Reality is but adapted fiction.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Internet weighs about as much as a strawberry (Meassured in electrons), yet It can still stop tanks.

RT @Slate: The story behind Etta James’s greatest song (not the one you think): http://t.co/Q4dVfLKW

RT @HECMARB: La gente te amará por lo que eres, y otros te odiarán por la misma razón. Acostúmbrate.

RT @Flipbooks: The Future of CGI Is Using Motion Capture to Recreate Inanimate Objects (Gizmodo) http://t.co/uT4dZvEa #Funny! *Irony*

RT @guardianscience: Does voting in a church turn you into a Tory? http://t.co/AMBNh4pM

RT @Flipbooks: #Norway Your Way -> The Documentary (10 part video playlist) http://t.co/797mWVcF rt @Paul_Steele #Documentaries #Travel

Saturday, January 21, 2012

RT @MotherJones: The comments on this memoir of pre-Roe abortions are as moving as piece itself: http://t.co/NyHJisVg @longform #longreads

RT @thirstforwine: "Wine is the poetry of the earth" - Mario Soldati (I like that quote)

RT @UN: If nothing is done, 1/2 of the 6000+ languages spoken today will disappear by 2100. http://t.co/a5LSxz7J via @unescoNOW

RT @io9: This no-budget science fiction short looks better that most movies http://t.co/sWzYNcjD

Interlude: You have an uncanny ability to befriend strangers...Really?, I hadn't notice...*chuckling*

Interlude: I want to go to bed :( Carrot Law, I miss you!...We are not at Panama city anymore Toto...*chuckling* I told you learning to mimic that emotion would be handy sometime.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Interlude: What do you see?!...Everything.

Note-to-Self: Get something warmer than a cardigan.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of The iBooks 2.0 format http://t.co/Ikgu4o4b @fakebaldur's analysis of how it is designed to be non-portable

RT @Lotay: Kindness recognizes kindness.

BBrrrr que frìo más arrechooo!!


RT @wired: Victory! Senator cancels vote on Protect IP Act. http://t.co/ABvBDivw Cue the Yub Nub song! http://t.co/ZTn6oweC #sopa

RT @wired: Victory! Senator cancels vote on Protect IP Act. http://t.co/ABvBDivw Cue the Yub Nub song! http://t.co/ZTn6oweC #sopa

RT @wired: Victory! Senator cancels vote on Protect IP Act. http://t.co/ABvBDivw Cue the Yub Nub song! http://t.co/ZTn6oweC #sopa

Dear Universe, thanks for the comforting words...

The World seems borderline shy-wild this morning...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Interlude: 8:38 p.m. Remind me why I'm at the office with no air conditioning making purely cosmetic changes to an application?...An exercise in patience perhaps?...Or to realize nor all humans are created equal?...*chuckling*

Interlude: Making an atheist to scream Oh my God...That's a dare?...It should be a piece of cake.

Interlude: And this one is counted among your friends?...Uno no sabe para quien trabaja...*chuckling*.


Interlude: Mind feels like a big mass of gooey since a few minutes ago...Since I asked myself what if the Statue of Liberty is a giant weeping angel?...Who needs distractions, I've you.

Interlude: Colon's governor proposes change Carnival for a "Christian Jubilee"...Good grief, when we though it was safe to go outside without wearing a cross.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

RT @LuigiMartinez08: Ahora todos los #PoliticosDePanama estan haciendo ante proyectos para las industrias q ellos no tienen su tajada.

Note-to-Self: How to restart civilization for dummies.

Interlude: Is that time of the year when you update your online CV again?...Do you realize all the shit you know...*chuckling*

Dear Amazon, you make so easy to get expensive kindle books...Sincerely, someone who's not going to be eating out for the next two weeks.

Interlude: Is happiness wanting what you have?...Isn't stress wanting something to be different?...What I'll do without you...Marriage probably...*chuckling*

RT @ZDNet: Senator Co-Sponsor of PIPA officially abandons bill. Why? http://t.co/wU7OUJN6

RT @kevinrose: didn't shower today, avoiding all things SOPA sounding.. #StopSOPA

RT @GOOD: Need another reason to protest #SOPA? It could kill the Open Education Resource movement http://t.co/MZxCm6vW

Note-to-Self: Guatemala city, 22 y 23 feb. CORETIC 2012

Imagine a World
Without Free Knowledge...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

When in doubt, be kind.

RT @PaulTillich The first duty of love is to listen.

Interlude: Weren't we done with the soul searching?...Sometimes our soul evolves more quickly than our circumstances...To catastrophic ends, let reality adjust itself, don't force it.

Martin Luther King
"The first question which the priest and the Levite asked was: "If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?" But...the good Samaritan reversed the question: "If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?"

BK – "If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to me"?

Interlude: We'll miss the olympics for two weeks...But we'll be there for the paralympics opening day...Way to celebrate our bday.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Plaza Edison trees gone, what does this government holds against urban trees? O_O

RT @liveleak: Strange sounds in Alberta.. http://t.co/truELxF4

RT @Lotay: I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it. - Voltaire

RT @FRANCE24: Death toll among pedestrians wearing headphones triples http://t.co/MGEyOEoU

RT @FRANCE24: Death toll among pedestrians wearing headphones triples http://t.co/MGEyOEoU

RT @brentnhunter: Only in the darkness can you see the stars. Martin Luther King #occupywallstreet

RT @brentnhunter: Only in the darkness can you see the stars. Martin Luther King #occupywallstreet

RT @QuotesInternet: There is no truth. There is only perception. - Flaubert, Gustave #quote

RT @TheNoteboook: Never forget what someone says to you when they are drunk, because drunk words are sober thoughts.

RT @PanamaAmerica: Obreros de la ampliación del Canal de Panamá en huelga por mejoras salariales http://t.co/aD6NJ3GY #Panamá

RT @Pijamasurf: Telepatía y percepción extrasensorial entre las plantas | Pijamasurf http://t.co/J4gDB9Ou

RT @washingtonpost: Editorial: How the rich got richer http://t.co/CKABp3DY

RT @thinkprogress: FACT: Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul voted against the MLK national holiday http://t.co/RDVLVCyX

RT @JosephRanseth: Stay warm by the fire of desire for a noble purpose.

RT @ReformedBroker: Next week's GOP debate is on Nickelodeon. Moderated by Mark Summers, it will be entirely in Double Dare format

RT @io9: Ultra-tiny "nano-ear" can hear bacteria and viruses http://t.co/uTEp7mUo

RT @GMarquezAmado: Art. 136 CN num. 1: Se prohibe apoyo oficial directo, indirecto o disimulado a candidatos a cargos de elección.

Sometimes the tension is hotter than the touching...

Doesn't makes you feel guilty when you glance at one of those purity tests and you realize that 1. You had tried everything in the test. 2. You can actually identify what the original author failed to include.

Read somewhere: Since sex got easier to get, love got harder to find.

Interlude: is not polite to watch people this long...That was an interesting behaviour to mimmick, it may come handy.

Note-to-self: New place, check Da Noi next to Burguer Bar. Italian.

"Without love, there is no reason to know anyone, for love will in the end connect us to our neighbors, our children & our hearts." -MLK Jr

RT @grist: Do you know how much all that rotten food in your refrigerator costs? http://t.co/tQbwdpTu

RT @businessinsider: S&P DOWNGRADES EUROPE'S BAILOUT FUND by @bySamRo http://t.co/IOtnDzVp

Interlude: Can you stop flexing, I don't want to lose another shirt...It relaxes me, listening the fabric tearing up...We'll need to go for XL now.

FB RT @Patricia Esquivel
Nunca te canses de hacer cosas pequeñas para los demás, a veces esas cosas pequeñas ocupan la mayor parte de su corazón.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

RT @Mondoweiss: Breaking report: US/Israel military drill cancelled, after US tells Israel to back off http://t.co/H8psNM9L O_O oops!

RT @Mondoweiss: ‘Time’ says Mossad did it http://t.co/PfkwqQOb

RT @Mondoweiss: ‘NYT’ Travel section features visit to another planet http://t.co/NHOXxrpp

RT @Telegraph: Shark kills swimmer on 'world's most dangerous beach' http://t.co/s3Vq8Qxm

RT @PanamaAmerica: CCIAP encuentra preocupante adición de delitos fiscales al Código Penal http://t.co/I21LaOdM. #Chavez #Martinelli #Panamá

RT @yokoono: ♬ ONO - Talking To The Universe (Richard Morel Vocal Mix) http://t.co/W58reEzm

RT @Telemetro: Fabricante de Twinkies y Wonder en EEUU, en quiebra http://t.co/QaZ5KPVR

RT @Chiriqui: Navarro: en Panamá no puede haber minería a cielo abierto

RT @thedailybeast: Christie’s Auctions Audubon’s ‘Birds of America’: Priciest Book Ever? http://t.co/tdxZDwR3

RT @UVicReligioNews: @tariqramadan has a new centre in Doha for reserach on Islamic legislation and ethics. http://t.co/w25s7Jqd

RT @timoreilly: Super-cool: Nano-microphone opens up field of "acoustic microscopy" http://t.co/aXJCOyzk via @slashdot

RT @symeonbrown: A must read article on the portrait of unemployment in Liverpool. Who can live on benefits? http://t.co/lo28AbNM

RT @clodaghmckenna: My prayers go out to all the family and friends of the fishermen lost at sea in West Cork at 6am today...

RT @CalliopeCo: The Michael Phelps Diet: Don't Try It at Home http://t.co/Cx27GrPG 12,000cal/DAY #burp #olympics2012 #swimming

RT @adamsconsulting: iPieces: Adds Real Life Object Interaction To Your iPad http://t.co/INkdUkb6

RT @AppStore: Drag and drop cute and colorful birds to match-3 in the insanely addictive Birzzle Pandora. http://t.co/43IeeRNn

RT @Telegraph: British nun who hid Jews from Nazis on track for sainthood http://t.co/xhnZxBOr

RT @tferriss: "Worrying is like praying for what you don't want." via Aileen Norton Swift (Thank you, Natasha!)

RT @PanamaAmerica: Nicaragua festeja 145 aniversario del natalicio de poeta Rubén Darío http://t.co/p4WEo1NL #Panamá

Waking up.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Interlude:Great servicing, Calligula would blush like a nun...absorbed hedonist...Who got into bondage first?...Play nice you two, we knew what we were getting into.

A relationship expert says that you don't need to go on a search for 'The One' in order to end up with them. Her tips: http://t.co/Yep0uaX9

RT @craft: Soviet-Era Graphics Scrapbook:
Vintage Russian ephemera... http://t.co/CKK1xwLI

RT @Lotay: "The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of larger ideas, never returns to its original size." - Oliver Wendell Holmes #quote

RT @guardianscience: How story lines can aid memory http://t.co/8qOxxToR

RT @guardianscience: How story lines can aid memory http://t.co/8qOxxToR

RT @guardianscience: How story lines can aid memory http://t.co/8qOxxToR

RT @guardianscience: The importance of observing http://t.co/haKmpIkK

The importance of observation: Half of your mind is always off checking your inbox, worrying about your children... http://t.co/CvWTnxwr

I did not see Phobos-Grunt. Oh well. I did see something moving west near venus, but very faint and in the wrong direction.

RT @matthewwprice: Waiting here on #Italy coast for scuba divers to try and rescue two people still stuck in the cruise liner.

RT @Flipbooks: First Time in History, Digital Music Sales Top Physical Sales (#CNN) http://t.co/rRQmSkbu

RT @ConanOBrien: The Tea Party is still looking for the “anti-Romney.” They’re so desperate, they’re starting to look at President Obama.

RT @grist: Scientists discover color of galaxy: a hue only fit to describe via poetry, apparently http://t.co/SspHn5Dh

RT @prostatecancer_: Gene mutation linked to prostate cancer http://t.co/JZj6jJky

RT @ecorazzi: MT @Water: VIDEO: Awesome claymation story of those without water, by @seancruse & friends @HuntingtonU http://t.co/5FPVma8m

RT @USATODAY: 2 survivors found in cabin of wrecked Italian cruise ship http://t.co/gSecKXoL

RT @designtaxi: #Recap - Forget beauty products, all you need is ‘Fotoshop by Adobé' http://t.co/LJM0n0AE

RT @Marelisa: Sometimes you gotta create what you want to be a part of.
Geri Weitzman

RT @FastCoDesign: iPad App Teaches You How To Finally Master Your DSLR Camera http://t.co/39nGBlQV

RT @eirikbergesen: RT @BorowitzReport BREAKING: God Renames Rapture 'Tebowtime'

RT @haaretzonline: #U.S. army chief heads to #Israel as fears over attack on #Iran mount http://t.co/LRXLpUbL

RT @BorowitzReport: At the end of the Focus on the Family ad, it should say, "I'm Jesus Christ and I approve this message." #tebow #nfl

Survivors of Friday's cruise ship wreck off Italy's coast recount night of terror and chaos straight out of 'Titanic.' http://t.co/JJNj9jOx

RT @AndrewBreitbart: When Dissent Isn’t Patriotic: How Politico Is Playing Media Matters’ Game to Censor Conservatives: http://t.co/6FxRHHl8

RT @bobbiejohnson: The internet: unpleasantly exposing you to the pointless rantings of sad little misogynist pricks since 1969.

RT @FastCoDesign: Researchers Say Infographics Can Save Morons From Themselves. Really? http://t.co/u1AxEuc9

RT @Telegraph: Cruise disaster: rescue effort under way for two survivors trapped on ship http://t.co/Aa3QR46U

RT @cnnbrk: Survivors found in hull of cruise ship that ran aground Friday, Italian media report http://t.co/AJDTMKiA

RT @cnnbrk: Survivors found in hull of cruise ship that ran aground Friday, Italian media report http://t.co/AJDTMKiA

Friday, January 13, 2012

Interlude: Why the ears?...Our expanded capillaries are breaking with the change in pressure, is my best bet...Our brain?...Capillaries, not enough to kill us, but we should check into that...Aneurisms are deadly you know...*chuckling*

Recorre a menudo la senda que lleva al huerto de tu amigo, no sea que la maleza te impida ver el camino.

Diálogo imaginario entre la conciencia de Martinelli y la de Varela:
Martinelli: Con una mentira suele irse muy lejos hehehe.
Varela: Pero sin esperanzas de volver.

Interlude: Head hurts, not knowing if it's out of last night vodka or last night action+vodka or last night action+vodka+enhancers...I warned you we need to do more cardio...*chuckling*

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Weird, the cashier gave me 6 american JFK half dollar coins minted from 1971 to 1975.

Omnia Sol temperat...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Study: Your Facebook Personality Is The Real You http://t.co/VryuvvXA via @RWW

Interlude: You're terrible...I know

Interlude: That was a big oversight...Way to do it, are you sure it wasn't on purpouse hehehe...IS NOT FUNNY...LMAO, is that Diana Ross?...Biatch.

Since 2009 Panama exports went from 81% PIB to 65% PIB in 2010. Imports went up. 0_0 Where's our money coming from?

Interlude: This bleeding through the ears and nose is getting annoying...No blood tears though, that would be soo true blood...*chuckling*

0_0 Y es que ahora cantaremos "Adelante el azadón y la pala, al trabajo si más dilación" ???? QUE C*BLIP* LE PASA A ESTE GOBIERNO?! QUE SIGUE, CAMBIAR EL SENTIDO DE LA CABEZA DEL AGUILA PARA QUE APUNTE EN OTRA DIRECCIÓN A LA CHAVEZ?!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

RT @mashable: iPad App Lets Kids Publish Physical Books - http://t.co/wY0INj5E

RT @mashable: iPad App Lets Kids Publish Physical Books - http://t.co/wY0INj5E

RT @NatureNews: Twitter data accurately tracked Haiti cholera outbreak http://t.co/kGBnpXVO

RT @adamsconsulting: Star Wars Yoga: The Exercise for Geeks - http://t.co/q5uL17yQ

RT @businessinsider: BIG Earthquake Strikes Off Of Sumatra (Indonesia) http://t.co/qtY6GVLi

RT @AlexisGrubeos: #geek Classic Fisher-Price View-Master 3D Images Go Digital: http://t.co/rMj5vkKF

RT @amcafee: Outstanding news: Galapagos tortoise thought to be extinct found on island 200 mi away: http://t.co/i3Y1Mu7F

Note-to-Self: Someone noted I'm always flirting even if I'm not aware of it. Since when being gallant and chivalrious equiparates flirting? RRRRR

RT @leslieoharrow: Favorite quote of the day "I hear LSU is stuck in new orleans..someone painted a 50 yard line in front of the team bus"

RT @clusterstock: CHART OF THE DAY: It's Pretty Obvious What's Driving Unemployment http://t.co/lozYXnFN

RT @YoNoMeExplico: Ese mini infarto que te da cuando revisas el bolsillo y no encuentras tu celular.

RT @thinkprogress: BREAKING: Federal appeals court declares Oklahoma's sharia ban unconstitutional http://t.co/JyRblWnW Damn!!!

RT @YahooNews: TSA defends confiscation of frosted cupcake from Massachusetts woman: http://t.co/gQNHhr8w O_O

Interlude: Wonder if the animal rights movement has been hijacked by the pro-hominids extremists...Aren't they aware they'll rise a generation that wouldn't interact with wildlife and such generation would make laws lacking empathy for non-human life?...Don't be so pessimistic, people is stupid, but not that stupid...The fall of Ur?...That was a mistake.

Monday, January 09, 2012

Interlude: mints?...It worked with Dopamine reuptake inhibitors.

RT @Confucius When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.
Must admit it sounds straight from GTD *chuckling*

Sunday, January 08, 2012

RT @JCasis25: PANAMA OESTÉ playa BIJAO pescadores del sector lo capturaron a este tiburón. http://t.co/J8yImp5O O_O

RT @Minervity: Real-Time Face Substitution Will Make Video Conferencing Creepy - http://t.co/mub9vSgi

RT @Johann3216: 'Give Bird sanctuary status to wetlands' http://t.co/wv5blnMT

RT @Marelisa: "Men are disturbed not by events, but by the views which they take of them." Epictetus

RT @thinkprogress: CRACKDOWN: Iranian government plans to shut down internet completely http://t.co/BZqHOUQU

RT @jeremygutsche: Macabre Madam Illustrations - Rudy-Jan Faber Renders Fierce Female Prints http://t.co/iYzfHvrx #ArtDesign

RT @FrankHerbert Speak the truth. That is always much easier, and is often the most powerful argument.

Interlude: A hunchback does not see his own hunch...It is possible to know so much about a subject that you become totally ignorant?...Seems the case.

Interlude: Despecho week?...*chuckling*

Saturday, January 07, 2012

RT @KimJongNumberUn: I will force all North Koreans to watch this. It's the best argument against democracy ever! #LOL #GOPDebate #NHDebate

RT @Flipbooks: "Know your limits, then ignore them" ~John Mason #quote

RT @cracked: If Stupid Movies Were Remade as Oscar Bait: http://t.co/rM0weo3D

RT @cracked: If Stupid Movies Were Remade as Oscar Bait: http://t.co/rM0weo3D

RT @DavidCornDC: Santorum: A president can't be a CEO. A commander in chief is not a CEO.//Heck, that makes sense. #NHdebate #fitn

RT @MotherJones: "It's a worldview and it's godless." NH lawmakers want evolution taught as "theory" http://t.co/Qu7lEj0n

RT @ReformedBroker: America shudders as Rick Santorum actually 'gets better at this whole running for president thing'

RT @BorowitzReport: Huntsman: "I am the only man on this stage with decades of experience running a funeral home."

RT @liveleak: China builds a 30 story building in 15 days!!!: . http://t.co/ytB8wBpi

RT @liveleak: Truck cheats death: A construction truck stares death in the face and says 'F*ck you, b*tch! Not today!'. http://t.co/w4muXPay

Es cierto que todas las paradas del metro quedan en los 99? O_O

RT @Flipbooks: "When someone tries to impress you....it simply means they are already impressed by you" ~Unknown #quote

RT @Flipbooks: Adieu to ‘Mademoiselle’: French Town Bans ‘Sexist’ Term (TIME) http://t.co/ZwaAb7rB #France #Culture

Studies show that about one in three people diagnosed with major depression may actually have bipolar disorder. http://t.co/BJCGTlX2

RT @GOOD: The memory map: is it possible to chart all the territory in the world? http://t.co/sZJOZUB2

RT @Flipbooks: Britain's Biggest #Science Misconceptions Revealed (Telegraph) http://t.co/thAYw8oc #UK #News

RT @sausagekinguk: For every new follower @MadHeadCyclist runs a lap near his house. Please RT and help him get 100+ followers tomorrow!

RT @MingNa: Love these ideas! U will too! RT @Alyssa_Milano
25 clever ideas to make life easier http://t.co/per0fKSX /via @mayhemstudios

RT @trakgalvis: RT @RawStory: Judge rules Twitter must hand over account information on WikiLeaks supporters. http://t.co/bKG2Vk6s #NewsClub

Rick Santorum's explanation for rising employment numbers: "Optimism that Republicans will take the White House." I am not making this up.

RT @washingtonpost: Sarah Palin on girl who shot intruder: I’m all in favor of girls with guns who know their purpose. http://t.co/cNTA98M0

RT @LANow: Police warn O.C. homeless amid search for suspected serial killer http://t.co/oBYAlBxX

RT @artnetdotcom: Annual snow sculpture event canceled in Nevada due to lack of snow

RT @io9: Erstwhile Tales is a webcomics collection of Grimm's less popular fairy tales http://t.co/P34Syb3J

RT @GOOD: Intermission: Travel the U.S. in five minutes http://t.co/r1QXSf3Q

RT @moralexis: ‎"...después del silencio/ lo que más se acerca a expresar lo inexpresable es la música" Aldous Huxle

RT @NatureNews: Moore's law beats quantum mechanics: Nanoscale wires defy quantum predictions http://t.co/fQtHtnpj

Friday, January 06, 2012

RT @sullydish: Same-sex marriage is arguably the most successful socially conservative reform ever: http://t.co/N2DVjhxb

RT @drgrist: Huntsman seems to exist entirely to sustain the illusion that the Republican Party hasn't become what it's become.

Restorers can restore things like statues, ceramics, mosaics and decorative surfaces but not architecture. What in heaven they are doing in Portobelo?! 0_0

Interlude: To plink or not to plink...Isn't easier just to teach them to use putty?...Or build a web interface?...Plink.

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Watching Evangelion 1.0: You Are (Not) Alone

FB RT @ErikaEnder Don't focus on that which has been lost. Focus in the space regained to put something new and more valuable.

RT @businessinsider: Have You Seen The Hungarian 10-Year Bond? http://t.co/1ZMlmwdY

RT @sheryllecalder: Why spend your time convincing your critics when you could be inspiring your believers?

RT @renate: On average, I make love 3.142 times a day. I am pisexual.

RT @Jerusalem_Post: New centers of excellence in Israel aim to lure back scientists from the US and Europe http://t.co/hAUjVKaT

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

RT @washingtonpost: Penn Camera files for bankruptcy: http://t.co/pjpcdGoN via @PostLocal

RT @jolieodell: Scientists have figured out how to make entire events disappear http://t.co/gm5U16rY

RT @prensacom: 453 manatíes murieron en las aguas de Florida en 2011: http://t.co/B875kC0s

RT @prensacom: 453 manatíes murieron en las aguas de Florida en 2011: http://t.co/B875kC0s

RT @ZiggyHarris: Romney is richest candidate in a decade -
http://t.co/0bluZcFR #wealth #UHNW #in

RT @YahooNoticias: Romney, en N.Hampshire tras victoria en Iowa, Bachmann abandona. http://t.co/hGnKUKMS O_O

RT @_Photography: Photography pioneer Kodak may file for bankruptcy http://t.co/c4ygb0Z5 O_O

RT @RichardOBarry: The dolphin hunters are chasing aprox 200 Striped Dolphin toward the killing Cove. #SaveJapanDolphins #Tweet4Taiji

RT @TheOnion: Traveler Amazed By Sheer Number of Mexicans http://t.co/GYZnlSbB #OnionTravel

RT @GuyKawasaki: 6 60-second mind-bending problems [video] http://t.co/haGZrE5f

RT @Slate: We can all stop speculating. God already told Pat Robertson who the next president will be: http://t.co/S1FY3Myy via @slateviral

RT @JERobledo: Esa es la política de tierras más retardataria de la historia de Colombia, mientras Santos hace populismo campesinista

RT @CharlesCMann: Ultrafast evolution in hatchery fish http://t.co/FQ78jqnR

RT @gigaom: You are what you curate: Why Pinterest is hawt http://t.co/Trp8z7db

RT @Forbes: Iran's real weapon of mass destruction isn't nuclear - it's oil, writes @DanielDFisher. http://t.co/DGCWEz9S

@Victoria's farewell dinner

Interlude: EU is going to ban iranian crude oil...The mobile moved...Again?

Who's getting scared now
Tell me, tell me how does it feel
It feels so good from where im standing...
btw, did I mention I really dislike bullies.

Interlude: You lucky bastard...Nothing like Britney's lucky to see order in someone's else code.

Interlude: Aren't we being a little harsh?...Would you rather've our dark passenger to go operative?...Be my guest.

Interlude: The pleasures of a hunt...Indeed.

Dear +50760162707, sorry somehow my experimental script to automate warning phone calls got stuck into dialing yours since you non-polite death threat to me. I'll run out of money in two days. Sorry!

Interlude: I can understand Mentirelli's. A popular man arouses the jealousy of the powerful...Indeed, a man with delusions of being popular arouses the jealousy of the imaginary powerful entities in his mind...*chuckling*

Interlude: I want it all and I want it now...Martinelli's new motto?...Old one, the new one seems to be "Shit about the polls, I'll *blip* the *blip* *blip*".

Interlude: A new Corgi? is that wise? he's still dealing with Alia's loss...Is too soon isn't?...Let him mourn, a pup would be a distraction.

RT @SamuliPuronen: Real winners do not compete

RT @PasiSahlberg Accountability is something that is left when responsibility has been subtracted.

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Watching nosso lar

RT @NoeVenable What of strays who have turned their backs on the god of strays?

Interlude: As certain reverend mother used to say...Hope clouds observation...There is more to your decision than anyone else around here believes...A means to an end, nothing else.

Monday, January 02, 2012

RT @Starbucker: The Greatest Paper Map of the United States You’ll Ever See (as a map lover, this is so cool...) http://t.co/F6sx2Ypj

Interlude:Keeping thirty-nine in biological looks?...Let's set for twenty-nine, we'll buy a decade of senescence research.

Sunday, January 01, 2012

RT @EinsteinBOT: Force always attracts men of low morality.

RT @thedailybeast: Nazi Garb Used in Israel Protests: As ultra-orthodox Jews reenact scenes of horror. http://t.co/fLJNKBo8 #cheatsheet

RT @sciam: Most popular now on the site: "Forgetting Is Key to a Healthy Mind," by @iwickelgren http://t.co/6OwkkDDa

Advantage of living in Panama. You celebrate the new year watching the sunrise over the pacific and chill out with friends at sunset over the Caribbean sea the same day.

Santorum: Poor history scores a result of "conscious effort" by "the left" to keep students uninformed http://t.co/1SES0sxN

RT @AlvaroAlvaradoC: Interesante Artículo de mi colega y amiga Betty Brannan. http://t.co/G4OVPWOE

Beny, que es exactamente la barrabasada que están haciendo con las ruinas a la entrada de Portobelo? De cuando se paso de "conservar" a "restaurar"??