Saturday, March 31, 2012

Interlude:I assume mind creates models of other people as we interact with them, sometimes so accurate it would seem we know beforehand what they are going to say...So,That's how we knew that a pregnant woman we hadn't meet until know wanted a henna done over her belly before she said it?...That was odd I must concede.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Interlude: Our moon...

Interlude: Since when me being me has troubled you?...Since my prime archetype seems to be diversificating its portfolio of allowed prey?...Lack of proper sport, the way we used to enjoy it, not this, kosher sport. Feed me, Seymour...I know Dear, I know.

RT @Confucius Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

28 days later...

Interlude: It seems we aced our first model audit...Once I realized I knew their book more than they claim to do, I used that against them...Humans won't admit their own ignorance...I do...You're not human, you are imaginary.

Interlude: Ferrufino tiene un yate 0_0...Como escribe Palm: Entran limpios y salen... nadando.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Interlude: Why we just don't send an email? is too fast, there's no such expectation with letters, this exchange requires a more contemplative medium.

Interlude: A 4x4 ran over my Fuji 550...Such a masterpiece of technology, what a shame, had you see the 770 specs...And still works...Long live fuji, anyways, had you seen the specs of the 770?...RRRRRR

Interludes: Fifty Shades of Grey...And two shades of Ken.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

#Hookt id: G9A58J6

Thursday, March 22, 2012

RT @WSJ: Mohammed Wazir was having breakfast when he received a phone call: "All your family members are martyred."

RT @Flipbooks: “Two great talkers will not travel far together” ~Spanish #Proverb

RT @Onswipe: Thanks, Joe! RT @joecritchley: The smoothest JS 'pinch to zoom' engine I've seen.

RT @FastCompany: The World's Most Promising Water Startups via @FastCoExist #WorldWaterDay

RT @Flipbooks: Women Wearing Red Send Signals That Attract Men (Telegraph) #Psychology #Culture

RT @io9: How does 1Q84 stack up to Haruki Murakami's classic novels?

RT @FastCompany: Too Hot For iTunes: A Hilarious App That Turns Basic Shapes Into "Geometric Porn" via @FastCoDesign

RT @KindleZen: Andrew Losowsky: The Books That Read You | THP

RT @washingtonpost: New iPad complaints pile up

Note-to-Self: Get more of that Twinings Cold brew tea! Plain awesome!

Interlude: We should write a howto: Impairment of Financial Assets: The Expected Loss Model, How not to do it...*chuckle*

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

RT @tvnpanama: Baja caudal de los ríos en Los Santos, hay preocupación

RT @IsraelNewsNow: Settlers can’t use Ottoman farming laws to claim land

RT @BeastSkills: I don't want to be "strong for my size", I want to be "strong no matter what".

RT @IntoMobile: Microsoft shows iOS developers how to design their apps for Windows 8

Monday, March 19, 2012

RT @FastCompany: .@Axe Goes Soft: New Campaign Recognizes The Girlfriends via @FastCoCreate

RT @drgrist: More than 2,200 temperature records were broken in March. MAN is that climate hoax elaborate!

RT @chrisbrogan: Bitter people are so useful. *Amen*

RT @Telegraph: Dutch Roman Catholic Church 'castrated at least 10 boys'

RT @drgrist: Cloned baby goat is a super-adorable terrifying monster of science

RT @JewishTweets: Major oil and natural gas reserves found off the coast of #Israel. Via @TimesofIsrael.

RT @JTAnews: Jewish leaders condemn Toulouse attack, warn of rising anti-Semitism

RT @Flipbooks: "Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do" ~John Wooden #quote. *Amen*

RT @drgrist: Engineer wants to stop Arctic warming with a cloud-whitening machine What would go wrong?

RT @clusterstock: JPMorgan Shuts Down The Vatican Bank's Account Due To Lack Of Transparency by @JuliaLaRoche

RT @deanerimerman: Global rainforest carbon map released online

The Boxing Gym That Trained Mike Tyson And Muhammad Ali Is Where Wall Street Now Goes To Blow Off Steam

RT @LiveScience: Parents of Kids with Autism Earn Less

RT @tbi_warroom: We Love These Vintage Ads In Newsweek's New 'Mad Men' Issue by @laurastampler

Saint Joseph's day...It seems our Patron saint brings the rainy season on time after all...

Sunday, March 18, 2012

RT @GuyKawasaki: 6 tips to cultivating luck

You learn something every day. Settlers from Chile's Biobío region were the original settlers of San Francisco and LA.

RT @Pijamasurf: Flashback / Hermoso tornado de agua emerge sobre la costa de Australia (VIDEO)

RT @Flipbooks: "The worst thing about being lied to is simply knowing you weren't worth the truth" ~Unknown #quote

Best, most compact Ayn Rand criticism I've heard: "None of the people in hea7Attar books have children." /vir®rrrrta @qharidy

RT @qhardy: Best, most compact Ayn Rand criticism I've heard: "None of the people in her books have children."

Would you prefer a season of snow instead of this sunshine? Whatever happened to the good old Canadian winter?

RT @businessinsider: Two Guys Kissed At A Rick Santorum Rally, Then Got Thrown Out To Applause From The Crowd

RT @Flipbooks: #Depression Can Be Diagnosed With A Blood Test (PopSci) #Science #Health

RT @washingtonpost: Op-ed: The lies that parents sold us on student loans:

RT @Flipbooks: #PETA 'Killed More Than 95% of Adoptable Dogs & Cats in its Care Last Year' x_x

RT @Flipbooks: "When it comes to intuition, too much thinking interferes with the navigation system" ~@ZAGrrl rt @rlalita #quote

RT @ReformedBroker: Library in Spain vomits up thousands of books gangsta art installation

RT @globeandmail: Egypt's Coptic Christians lose protector amid growing fears of persecution

RT @KimJongNumberUn: Nuclear programs are always for peaceful purposes. Drop a nuke on an enemy and suddenly they're peaceful. #BOOM #LOL

Interlude: Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication...Indeed.

RT @thedailybeast: Massive WWII Bomb Found in Marseille #cheatsheet

RT @dalandanasser: @ProverbesAfrica Les yeux ne prennent pas de charges, mais ils savent en mesurer le poids. #Guinee

RT @ProverbesAfrica: Si tu vois un intestin de coq debout, c'est qu'il y a un bâtonnet dedans. Proverbe #Bambara #ORTM

RT @ProverbesAfrica: On ne va pas à la chasse pour ramener un os. Proverbe Donzo #Mali

RT @latimes: Geocaching is fun hidden in plain sight

RT @Skante2: La parole donnée est à l'Homme ce que le bâton est à l'aveugle. @ProverbesAfrica @Fasokan

RT @507tony04: Vista a las montañas de los angeles de gualaca bella de nuestra tierra @Chiriqui @Placacuatro

The disappearance of _why, a cultural history of Ruby, and the predicament of learning to code. great weekend read!

Interlue: Our peers have enough alcohol in their sytem to write them off, what keep us going?...The Dragon never sleeps Dear.

Note-to-Self: Don't Miss the Forest for the Trees.

Interlude: Happiness?...Is that relevant to our goals?...Not, but...Not relevant Dear, don't waste precious time on that.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

RT @zaibatsu: RT @senator_yemaja: STOP trying to FIT IN when you were BORN to STAND OUT!

Drunk people walking down my street...

RT @ev: Definitely my best St. Patrick's day ever.

RT @MauricioValerio: Palacio de la música. (at Parque Morazan) [pic] —

Interlude:I'm barely able to
Oversee major functions...Two more rounds to go, we'll need a B level watchdog...As long as we don't blackout darling.

RT @photoaddicts: Allow Me To Brag....: but this is just a sample of what the whole city looks like this time of year.

RT @Lotay: Think big; live large.

Sweet child of mine...

Karen has arrived in Nome with 10 PCTs leading her in...Congratulations!!!!

RT @Minervity: What Would Happen: A World Without Google [Infographic] -

RT @latimeshealth: Lessons learned running a first marathon

RT @BorowitzReport: I'm going to design a car alarm that goes: "Being stolen. Not kidding. Being stolen. Seriously guys."

RT @JosephRanseth: Why do women with fake hair, fake tans, fake nails & fake boobs complain that they can't find a real man? #JustSayin

RT @cracked: 6 Acts of Real-Life Heroism Made Possible by Video Games:

RT @Lotay: "Whatever the mind can conceive, and believe, the mind can achieve."

Friday, March 16, 2012

Interlue: Our intention creates our reality...reality is an illusion...A quite persistent one...Our intention creates a quite persistent illusion...*chuckle*

Interlude: Do you realize a year ago we were considering a Ph.d. in finance...An tonight we're losing sleep over financial derivatives...How we knew back then...That we'll need that knowledge.

Interlude: You reap what you sow...Unless you've a Monsanto field next door...*chuckle*

by me: Environmental regulations set to be slashed via @guardianeco #redtape /via @dpcarrington

Indígenas y Gobierno acuerdan prohibir minería y condicionar ... - Sobre el proyecto hidroeléctrico de Barro Blanco!!

Seguridad en el uso de #Foursquare #redessociales #socialmedia

Interlude: Victory?...That wasn't a battle, a battle is a match between equals, they weren't our equals...But now they are aware...Arya Stark or Lupo Provik?...Daenerys, Lupo and Arya are too overkill.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

You're so vain...I bet you think this status is about you...

RT @frogdesign: Why You Have Your Best Ideas When You’re Least Productive

RT @Johann3216: The Benefits of Artificial Wetlands «

RT @thinkprogress: Ben & Jerry's release new flavor to promote marriage equality: Apple-y Ever After #icymi

RT @Flipbooks: "He who is not contented with what he has would not be content with what he would like to have" ~Socrates #quote

Daniel Ortega y Ricardo Martinelli se reunirán. Sera que Ortega le enseñara a RM como reeligirse sin importar lo que diga la Constitución?

RT @latimes: Editorial: Encyclopedia Britannica yields to the digital age via @latimesopinion

RT @themoneygame: What The Downfall Of Bo Xilai Means For China

RT @Discovery: RT @massielconleche: All these commercials for Frozen Planet are blowing my mind. Oh, nature. How do you do it?

Pete Wentz Gets Bromantic in Panama

RT @Telemetro: PRD resalta los peligros del proyecto presentado por Moncada Luna

RT @LiveScience: The Brain on Alcohol: Why Some Drinkers Blackout

Interlude: Alas! The perils of the self-absorbed...What's wrong with "selfish prick"...Because then it sounds like one of those self-help mini books in the side aisle...Point.

RT @Gdnartanddesign: British Design 1948 - 2012 at the V&A

RT @mashable: Foursquare on Facebook: Hands on With the New Timeline Integration -

RT @guardianworld: HIV and malaria on the rise in Greece, reports @JonHenley from Athens #EuroDebtTales

RT @physorg_com: Cell phone use in pregnancy may cause behavioral disorders in offspring: new study

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

RT @insidehighered: Careers: Stop Being an Anthropologist:

RT @BoingBoing: TOM THE DANCING BUG: "Hello! You've Been Targeted For a Drone Assassination!"

RT @prensacom: [AVANCE] Protestan frente a sede de C&W, en Vía España

RT @PanamaAmerica: Transportistas amenazan con arrasar con la barricadas, si los indígenas no acceden a reabrir la vía en Pacora.

RT @washingtonpost: 'Muppets' and 'Elephants' are just the latest insults Wall Street privately uses about customers:

Number of apps allowing #iPad to manipulate documents (incl. Office) rather than just viewing is increasing.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Financial Instruments book bought yesterday: USD 28. Time invested in reading: 3 hours. ClikView Developer: Free The look on the finance team after I came up with a functional model in 15 minutes: Priceless.

RT @wired: What Role Did Accused Soldier’s Brain Injury Play in Afghan Massacre? (UPDATED)

RT @washingtonpost: The 8 humiliating steps Ohio men may have to take to get Viagra:

Whoever teaches learns in the act of teaching, and whoever learns teaches in the act of learning." - Paulo Freire in "Pedagogy of Freedom"

RT @washingtonpost: #China now produces more than 95% of the world's rare-earth minerals:

RT @TimOBrien: After 244 Years, Encyclopaedia Britannica Stops the Presses

RT @DavidCornDC: Santorum offers to support lunar colonies and drill in Yellowstone if Gingrich drops out. #ThisIsAJoke

Interlude: Head feels weird...The statins?...Feels more like when we go for too long without sport...Two days is not too long...The rougher variety.

Monday, March 12, 2012

RT @Revkin: Tom Friedman says, Pass the Books. Hold the Oil.: Taiwan prime example of resource-poor wealthy country.

RT @tvnpanama: Incrementa uso de motocicletas ante costo del combustible #panama

RT @MotherJones: Why is the middle class in a three-decade slump?

RT @latimes: No longer 'exciting and new'? 'Love Boat' cruise ship may be headed to scrap yard via @latimesent

RT @nytimesscience: Tracking Antarctic Krill as More Is Harvested for Omega-3 Pills

RT @drgrist: Eight leading economists ponder: The Financial Crisis and the Systemic Failure of Academic Economics (PDF)

RT @GuyKawasaki: The anatomy of a boss from hell [infographic]

RT @Flipbooks: “The only thing better than reading a fairy tale is living in one” ~@SharonHayes #quote

RT @FastCompany: RT @Ggesmond: The Last Starfighter becomes real! "Microsoft's Universal Translator @Kiteaton"

RT @NatGeoExplorers: Researchers find encouraging evidence of lost da Vinci painting behind 16th-century mural:

RT @businessinsider: Inside MakerBot: The Brooklyn Startup Bringing 3D Printing To The Masses [VIDEO]

RT @ZDNet: Popular game developer halts work on Android

RT @MailOnline: Should all #Christians have the right to wear a cross at work? Now join our Live Debate now...

Sunday, March 11, 2012

No te pierdas el vídeo de la campaña 'Soy Ngäbe, soy Buglé, soy panameñ@' está buenísimo #PAnamá #PTY vía @otramerica

Design THE NEW business #changebydesign #designthinking #UX (thx @dremmajefferies)

RT @JoelOsteen: The moment you asked for forgiveness, God forgave you. So, don’t spend another minute in regret, feeling bad about yourself.

RT @mashable: Tweets Chronicle the Journey of the Titanic as if in Real Time -

RT @yokoono: 3/11 Breathe deeply on the day of Spring. You will know that you have survived.

RT @DragonTattoo: Lisbeth Salander: "Hold still. I've never done this before." #DragonTattoo

RT @AlvaroAlvaradoC: Presidente anuncia que trasladará a Gustavo Perez y que no permanecerá al frente de La Policia Nacional. *Cierto!*

Wine rack armed, choosen wood stain looks good. Off to take the furkids to the Vet.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Home improvement weekend...

RT @ManoloGarcía Que hable el mundo y calle el hombre,
calle el hombre y vuelvase a callar:
Mezcla el mundo, ruge mistral;
mezcla el mundo y mezclanos con él...

RT @baratunde: "fear is not predicated on risk assessment. It's not logical. It's based on the PERCEPTION of risk" -@zephoria #sxsw

Friday, March 09, 2012

Interlude: If there was any doubt certain gifts came down to us through the matrilineal line...No longer hold...Indeed.

RT @nicolemclare: Acaboo de decubrirr que amoo a la @laonetwo507 demm funnyy #laamo

RT @Lotay: One must have self-respect in order to give respect. *sooo agreeee*

RT @MotherJones: Why did Netanyahu order GBU-28 "bunker-buster" bombs and advanced refueling aircraft from the US? *chuckle*

RT @MelanieGriffith: “@LargerThanWords: To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it. #LargerThanWords”. Fab!

Poll: Californians narrowly back bullet train; voters, not so much /via @LANow

Cayo de gracia el Diosdado panameño?! x_x

Interlude: A detached man is always in solitude, had we reach such level?...In your particular case, your detachment of others is just a side effect of being too attached to yourself...Ouch...*chuckle*

Interlude: Again, how's that we're spending a friday loading the IAS 39 into our mind's databanks?...Karma?...*chuckle*

Interlude: 200 lb, what two months of mesotherapy couldn't do a stomach flu did in 7 days...Let it thrive a week more, we could reach 170 and save a few hundred bucks in the process...*chuckle*

RT @BW: Lazy Men: The next frontier in online retail |

RT @travelpanama: Arab Spring, Now Latino Winter? Protests for Change Have Hit

RT @planetmoney: This 14-year-old girl just bought a house in Florida Is it a sign the market has bottomed?

Thursday, March 08, 2012

RT @clarocada: [TNW] For the last time, let’s all say it together: “Google+ is NOT a Social Network”

RT @conscioususer: I'm not sure if Hell exists, but if it does it probably involves authenticating with OAuth.

RT @IsraelNewsNow: HIV pill for prevention debated as FDA ruling nears

RT @gigaom: So what will happen to Mobile Hotspots?

RT @Pijamasurf: Naciones Unidas amenaza con tomar control de Internet | Pijamasurf x_x

RT @VanderPty: el peor error q puede cometer una mujer es querer ser como los hombres #TweetsDelWomansDay *Isn't that sexist??*

RT @Panama_Guide: National police rejects disciplinary first draft

RT @albinwallace: Dr Sue Black will tell us "Computer says 'Yes'" at #Naace12

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Where did the light bulb come from? An international conspiracy intent on cornering the light market, of course:

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Interlude: Research shows people who see their future selves end up being more patient...All of them?...*chuckle*

Interlude: Errr, there's a test today...So it seems.

RT @Slate: When will Don Draper die? An actuary answers: via @vulture #awesome

RT @swombat: #RePost What have you done wrong? Writing a lessons learned doc for yourself can be very useful.

RT @TIMENewsFeed: Beards get respect, but not women, study finds |

RT @FastCoExist: Prince Charles presents the case for sustainable farming.

Monday, March 05, 2012

RT @ecorazzi: Which vegetables are strong cancer-fighters? Find out: / via @Nutrition_Facts

RT @KindleZen: The same challenge facing #ebooks and apps | Guardian

RT @LiveScience: Women Prize Men Who Try to Understand Their Emotions

RT @alt1040: Laboratorio desarrolla sensor que muestra la composición de un material en segundos

RT @haaretzonline: #Lowcarb, #highprotein #diets win the battle against the bulge, #Israeli study finds:

RT @MotherJones: Rick Santorum admits that his private health insurance sucks.

RT @Masaryktv: “El secreto de una buena vejez no es otra cosa que un pacto honrado con la soledad” #felizcumplegabo

Addicted to Data: How an Obsession With Measuring Can Hurt Businesses by @benmcallister (via @theatlantic)

RT @IntoMobile: iOS kicks Android's ass at HTML5 gaming

RT @Marelisa: Oprah's grandma believed that the best Oprah could hope for was to become a maid & work for good white folk. Oprah didn't adopt that belief.

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Taiwan reported its 1st outbreak of highly pathogenic H5N2 avian influenza - w/ 58,000 chickens culled in two farms

RT @Flipbooks: "Normal is nothing more than a cycle on a washing machine" ~@WhoopiGoldberg #quote

RT @BW: The rise of the 'brogrammer' |

The twists and turns of the long-running race between drug-taking athletes and boffins trying to catch them

RT @Flipbooks: "Only the man who crosses the river at night knows the value of the light of day" ~Chinese #Proverbs *true*

RT @grist: Don’t cultivate a “bicycle face.” The rules for lady bicyclists, circa 1895.

RT @guardian: Vladimir Putin: 'We have won. Glory to Russia'

RT @ImAFitnessFreak: Improve Your Health While Building Muscle -

RT @FRANCE24: Porn mogul offers $1 mn for sex dirt on US officials

RT @JonathanPineda5: @porfiriojperez @AlvaroAlvaradoC le queria comentar que ahora en el Mc Donald no se puede comprar mas de 1 combo

RT @AlvaroAlvaradoC: El problema de Argentina es que quienes eligen a los gobernantes, no son los que leen los diarios, sino los que se limpian el ... con ellos. *x_x*

RT @GuyKawasaki: TED: Susan Cain discusses “The Power of Introverts” [video]

RT @Reuters_Biz: Saudi Arabia raises Arab Light oil price to Asia *Pressure?*

RT @IsraelNewsNow: The current higher education language war

#Putin speaks to rally of supporters with tears in his eyes and #Medvedev at his side #Russia

RT @1pcornwell: "Abstinence makes the heart grow fonder." Moses *Not only the heart*

RT @TIME: Obama says he's not hesitant to use force on Iran to stop its nuclear program | x_x

RT @AJELive: Israeli FM #Lieberman: #Syria uprising "more shocking than the worst horror movies in Hollywood". #Israel

RT @FRANCE24: Putin votes in Russia polls with rarely-seen wife

RT @AlvaroUribeVel: @RaulBenoit miente sobre Colombia

RT @Marelisa: Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears.
Marcus Aurelius

France and Ireland are both disappointed with the result but what did you think? Here's our verdict #sixnations

RT @JewishTweets: Take the #Purim Quiz from @jewlearn

RT @thedailybeast: Vladimir Putin wins Russia election, but It’s a fragile victory

RT @kdrum: Chart of the Day: What We Pay for Healthcare

RT @EspinosaJuly: @kenpty @Chiriqui #TanChiricanoQue en vez d decir derecho al momento d dar una dirrecion digo "dele Recto"bujajajaja

RT @washingtonpost: Same-sex custody battle in Florida questions notions of motherhood, #LGBT rights

RT @Lotay: "Be like water." -Bruce Lee

RT @adamsconsulting: The Future According To Science Fiction Films [Infographic] -

RT @WestWingReport: "There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt." -John Adams

RT @GuyKawasaki: Shakespearean insults on demand

FCC seeks comment on who should be allowed to shut down cellular service and when *Ask Martinelli*

Interlude: Do you ever get a no for an answer?...I'm Ken

Tik Tok...

Saturday, March 03, 2012

RT @zaibatsu: RT @TweetSmarter: #UhOh —Hackers with Chinese IP addresses took full control of Nasa computers:

RT @missfish: We are enjoying this new little app today... and it beats using a Sharpie on your fingers! #FingerFaces

RT @laonetwo507: Nunca critiques a quien aun no has superado! By Me. *So true*

Interlude: You always suspected friendship has a genetic component...Yet, there's no breeding, to what purpouse we seek genes we can't add to our own gene pool?...A different pathway, community?, funny there are not many studies on friendship's brain chemistry...Friendship is a form of love, same rules should apply.

Friday, March 02, 2012

RT @TIME: Does America hate kids? | (via @TIMEIdeas)

RT @zaibatsu: How to Make Ice Cream in 60 Seconds (Lifehack) rt @DrJeffersnBoggs @flipbooks #Foodies #Recipes

RT @Zuly_pty: @Chiriqui #TanChiricanoQue cada vez q iba a #boquete iba a ver a Elsa la leona q.p.d. En el Mirador

#TanChiricanoQue cuando en la escuela te dicen que lleves traje típico te pones botas, sombrero vaquero, jeans y camisa de cuadros

RT @Flipbooks: Study Finds That #Women Who Weigh 25 Pounds Less Than the "Norm" Earn $15k More (WSJ) #Business #Culture

RT @adamsconsulting: The Anatomy Of An Effective Web Design [Infographic] -

@Chiriqui #TanChiricanoQue pertenecí al grupo Scout 88

@Chiriqui #TanChiricanoQue he buceado cambute en Isla Ventana.

@Chiriqui #TanChiricanoQue he cruzado "La raya" en un camaronero, comido pescado en Pedregal y acampado en Isla Games.

@Chiriqui #TanChiricanoQue "De junquillo flexible es mi sombreo..."

@Chiriqui #TanChiricanoQue dibujo el volcán Barú de memoria.

@Chiriqui #TanChiricanoQue hasta en el exterior te hacen el comentario "Chiriqui? Ganao bravo"

@Chiriqui #TanChiricanoQue desayunaba en el mercadito de San Mateo

@Chiriqui #TanChiricanoQue Otro chiricano te reconoce.

RT @MotherJones: Coke makes Fanta from real oranges, and squeezes the people who pick them: x_x

RT @naturalsociety: A team of 900 scientists have proven that GMOs are NOT an effective method of treating starvation.

RT @prensacom: Publican en ‘Gaceta’ fallo que permite regreso de Panamá al Parlacen: *chuckle*

RT @trendhunter: Flying Bankruptcy Graphs - The Why the Airlines are Bankrupt Infographic Looks at Tourism #ArtDesign

RT @BorowitzReport: If you took the best qualities of the Republican candidates and combined them in one President I would flee to Canada.

RT @io9: How Tortoiseshell Cats Show the Limits of Cloning

RT @DavidCornDC: I wonder why Rush Limbaugh thinks the pill works like Viagra.

RT @dgardner: "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear." Conservatives were saying that mere weeks ago. So live up to it. Call an inquiry.

RT @gristlist: The trouble with right-wing bitching about gas prices, in one handy cartoon

RT @FRANCE24: Virginia high court rules in favor of climate scientist

RT @YahooNoticias: Activistas denuncian ejecuciones sumarias en Siria. :(

RT @DesignObserver: A great weekend read: How to be an Architecture Critic.

RT @drgrist: Oceans acidifying at a faster rate than any time in the last 300 million years: Ho hum.

RT @aquaken: Fixing the problem of #overfishing, (via @TheEconomist)

RT @LoonyPartyNews: It is proposed that the Isle of Man be renamed to “The Isle of Men, Women, Children and some Animals” as not just men live there.

RT @LaughingSquid: Bully, A Touching Documentary About Bullying in American Schools

RT @aquaken: The dismal state of global #fisheries - and how to turn it around, (via @TheEconomist) #seafood

RT @guardian: Top story: Government plans for police privatisation revealed x_x

‎​Dice Lucy Molinar que asi quedaran nuestros niños con la transformacion O:) el mio ya esta que se le derrama la sabiduria =D educativativa jooooo Chiquillo pa inteligente... ‎​:O ....

RT @robertoeisenmann En nuestro país no hay secretos

Thursday, March 01, 2012

RT @MiltonGlaser Work only for people you like. A sense of commonality is essential. Without that, disaster.

RT @easvat: Ellos dicen que se necesitan hidroelectricas porque no hablan de la sub estacion san bartolo en veraguas.

Tourism Still Growing, But Not As Fast As Last Year Thanks carrot law

RT @Panama_Guide: Emergency Message For U.S. Citizens - Widespread Disruption And Protests Along Pan-American Highway

RT @GuardianTravel launches the Mumbai city guide & interactive – with best street eats, sounds and fashion – all here:

RT @Telemetro: "Se está creando un caos en la Policía Nacional" Abad

RT @Telemetro: "Se está creando un caos en la Policía Nacional" Abad

RT @TIME: Don't neglect your relationships with mentors: they're key to advancing your career | (via @TIMEBusiness)

RT @zaibatsu: Wanna Disappear on Twitter? Erase Your History With Tweeticide RT @TweetSmarter

‎​Venezuela: Un disparo indigna a las redes sociales – Onechot · Global Voices en Español #FuerzaOneChot

Interlude: So this is how the city looks this early?!...*chuckle*

Day 1