Applied to four proyects trough the UN Online Volunteering Programme
Created a Google Calendar to handle the time devoted to volunteer work , will start with four hours a week and scale to 8 hours a week.
Would start reviewing the courses already in progress at PEOI to see where I can lend a hand and start plans to write and submit my own.
Compassionist asked me to organize a walk group for his next year’s project , would be great! Never done something like that, taking care of the organization and resources would be great and I’ll learn a lot.
A great service that the UN site has is the notion of groups, as a volunteer I can help those groups and as a group I can submit a request for help to the other volunteers, but to be a group It has to be registered in the country of origin. I’d enrolled a friend to help me with the paperwork stuff, a foundation of sorts, I’ll ask my neighbours at Nabuur about what’s the best way of doing it.