Saturday, February 23, 2008

Entry #1 Childhood Memories

A closeup photo of me having Jell-o takeng by my father I don’t remember him taking.

My black cat that everyday at sunset would stay at the kitchen door watching, It’s my favourite motif

Freeing paper boats in the streams after a heavy rain

My first origami crane

My first rendition of the Venus de Milo

Being alone in the hills beyond the swamp


Mom surprising me taking me to see Legend


My first succesful chemical garden

Jumping out of a waterfall (looked to me so high back then)

My first kiss

My second kiss

Everytime my dog had puppies




My first poem


Learning english to be able to communicate with Jerry

My first snowball

El’s farewell gift

My 7th birthday

First thing I bought with earned money, a book.

Sliding down the Comission building hill

Eating wild berries every summer

The cool waters of the Piedra river in Alanje

Fishing with Dad

Holy week at Alanje

My neverending amount of cousins


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