Thursday, March 27, 2008

Small steps

In order to complete the 2008 my best year yet goal I created a roadmap of things that must happen in order to mark that task completed. Decluttering my life is one of them, both the inside and the outside. My partner visited me past weekend, even when I tried to talk about my doubts that our “Long distance” relationship would work in the long term I discovered that much of the fear is coming from things I’d to sort out by myself. That’s in the internal, in the external I cancelled two credit cards, saving in order to cancel the last one, bought a more powerful laptop, cleaned my desk in order to have a place I would love to work on. I really hope to keep up, sometimes I just get sort of lazy, I’d my business registered but have no clue about what’s next, need to read some books on this and maybe get an accountant to help me on, I’d an idea of what marketing approach to use but my brother is more busy with his own company he has not much time to discuss strategies with me, well, let’s see.

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